Chapter 8

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I wake up in the hospital, connected to all kinds of machines. I have two IV's, both pumping something in me, but I have no idea what. 

What I do know is that I feel weak and tired. I look around and find that I'm the only one in the room. So, with as much strength as I can muster, I press the small button above my head that notifies the nurse. A couple of minutes later Kate enters the room. "Hey Jane, how are you feeling?" she asks while listening to my lungs and heart. "I'm tired and cold." "I'll get you an extra blanket right away. Your family and friends are waiting down the hall too, can I send them in?" "Yes, it's a bit too quiet for me here." She leaves the room and returns a couple of minutes later with a thick blanket, my parents, sister and my friends. 

Ben immediately comes to the side of my bed, takes my hand and asks: "How are you feeling?  You gave me quite the scare last night." "Sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you to take me out," I say while Kate pulls the blanket up to my chin, "I should've listened to you." He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze and says: "Don't be sorry, we had a nice evening. It just ended a bit differently than we had in mind." That manages to bring out a small smile. 

Then the doctor enters and asks: "Jane, how are you feeling?" "I'm very tired and a bit nauseous." He nods and comes closer to my bed. He grabs the papers at the edge of my bed, looks them over and writes something down. He turns to everybody in the room and says: "Could you all follow me, please? Jane needs to rest." I feel my eyelids grow heavier by the second but I manage to nod to Ben before I fall asleep. I feel a faint kiss on my forehead before I drift off to deep sleep. 

- In the doctor's office

- Megan's point of view

We gather in the doctor's office and I don't like the look on the doctor's face. He is the bearer of bad news, we all know it. We all saw Jane when she was brought in and she looked like she was dying. "I'll get straight to the point. I did some tests on Jane while she was unconscious and the results are not looking good. Her body is losing the fight. The cancer cells have tripled and her body doesn't have the strength to fight them. She won't make it till the end of the week." 

Jane's mum, dad, and sister huddle together and start crying while the rest of us just stands there motionless. All of us trying to process that Jane will be gone within the next couple of days. I take Ben's hand and James' hand. I pull them to me and wrap my arms around their shoulders. Less than a second later, we break too. 

-  4 hours later

- Jane's point of view

When I wake up, I hear a lot of noise outside my room. I turn in my bed so I'm facing the door. That's when I see my mum walking around with a cake, James is holding god knows how many balloons and Emily is putting up decorations. 

That's when it hits me. Tomorrow is my birthday. I'll turn seventeen. 

I push the button to notify Kate I'm awake and when she enters the room she's holding clean clothes. "I assume you already saw the commotion outside." "How can I not. Is all of that for me?" "Of course, for who else would it be? And because it's your party, I brought some clothes for you, that way you'll look amazing when you arrive at the party." She lays the dress down at the end of the bed. It's a gorgeous blue and white dress. Kate helps me into a sitting position, with my legs over the edge of the bed. Kate takes both my hands and slowly pulls me to my feet, but I feel that I don't have the strength to stand and Kate notices it too. She lowers me back on the bed and says: "I'll get a wheelchair for you, but first we're gonna get you into this dress."

It takes us 20 minutes to get me into the dress, Kate had to switch off each machine and she had to disconnect my IV's so I could get my arms through the holes. But I'm all set and Kates getting me a wheelchair since I can't stand on my own legs. When I'm in the wheelchair Kate wheels me away to the room opposite mine. 

When we enter the room, no one is there. Kate puts me at the head of the big table and walks back towards the door. 

A second later everyone pops up out of nowhere and screams: "Happy Birthday!" I look around the room and see everybody. They made all of this happen in a matter of hours and I'm very grateful for that. They come by one by one, I hug everyone. 

Then everybody starts singing, I look behind me and Emily is walking my way with a huge cake. She puts it in front of me and starts singing too: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Jane, happy birthday to you!" I blow out all the seventeen candles in three tries. 

The rest of the evening is filled with dancing, on very silent music since we're still in a hospital, eating and playing games. 

At the end of the evening, I'm very tired and I'm starting to get a pounding headache. I reach for Kate, I manage to grab her pink and pull her to me. "Kate, I'm not feeling very good. I think I'm gonna faint." A second later everything goes dark.

I wake in my bed a couple of minutes later. I feel someone holding my hand, looking very concerned at me. It's Ben. He has always been by my side, always. I turn to lay on my side, so I can look Ben right in the eyes when I say: "I love you, with all my heart."

Ben starts talking back to me but my eyes are slowly closing. I hear faint words like 'love' or 'happy' but I don't hear full sentences. My mind is slowly shutting down, I start to feel numb in my legs. The numbness slowly moves upwards to my chest and arms. I think about all the things we did in the last couple of months and I know that I couldn't have spent them in a better way. I think of one last thing I want to say, my body is almost completely numb, I whisper: "I love you guys." When the clock sounds 12 o'clock, I lose control over everything, my hand slowly slides out of Ben's grip, my breathing slows down and my heart stops pumping blood through my veins. I hear one last faint whisper, "I love you too, Jane" before I die. 

I lost the battle. 

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