Chapter 10

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- 5 days later

- Day of Jane's funeral

- Megan's point of view

There it is, the car from the funeral home. It pulls up next to the church, two people get out and another four people are making their way over. One of them opens the tailgate and the rest of them help carry the coffin into the church. Jane's coffin is placed at the front of the church, then everybody is allowed to enter and take their places. 

After five minutes everybody is settled, and the first tears are falling. The pastor walks to the front of the church and starts: "Welcome everybody, to the funeral of Jane. Jane left us on the seventeenth of August, her birthday. Jane was a very kind young girl, who was taken away from us too soon. May I call forward her mother and younger sister." 

Emily and her mom get up and walk to the front of the church. Jane's mother, with tears in her eyes, starts: "Jane was the first person I loved besides her dad. Jane had both of us wrapped around her little finger the moment we met her, then, two years later, Emily was born. At first, we were afraid that we wouldn't be able to give enough attention to both. We were very wrong because Jane loved her little so much, she was with her as much as possible. Sometimes when Emily was asleep, Jane would sit on the other side of Emily's bedroom door, waiting for her to wake up. Jane was... is a beautiful girl, and I am very happy I got to call her my daughter." 

"Thank you. Emily, you may step forward."

Emily steps forward, also with tears already filling her eyes, she takes a deep breath and starts her beautiful poem: 

"With tears in my eyes, I say goodbye, for the very last time.

It all went so fast, I'll have to miss you and go on without you.

You taught us a lot Jane, to be kind, helpful, and brave.

With tears in my eyes, I stand here today. 

I just can't believe you're gone, just gone. 

But I'll have to adjust, to live without you.

You've been in a lot of pain, it's better this way. 

But it doesn't mean I'm okay with it. 

I love you, big sis, always and forever."

And then she breaks down completely. Her mom takes her hand and guides her back to their places.

"Thank you, Emily. You did a great job. Now I'd like to call forward Megan, one of Jane's best friends." 

I take a deep breath before walking to the front and I take another deep breath before I start: 

"Today's the day we lay our friend to rest.

Today's the day we say goodbye to a friend, a sister, a daughter and the love of someone's life.

Today's the day we say goodbye to Jane. 

Jane is an amazing friend, daughter, and big sister. She always took the time to help someone, even if it was at the expense of her work. She was so selfless that even when we went on our trip to finish her bucket list, she put our needs before her own. While the whole trip was meant for her. In her last moments with us, she was comforting Ben, because she knew it would be the hardest for him to let her go. She made sure that she stayed with us as long as possible for all of us to say goodbye. She was a fighter, she kept fighting, for as long as she could, but you can't win every fight. She may have lost this fight, but that doesn't make her a loser. This fight showed all of us how strong she was, she was a warrior, one that always will be remembered."

And this is, of course, the moment where I start crying as soon as I walk back to my seat. I take my seat and immediately feel a strong arm wrap around me, I turn to my right and look into James' eyes. He gives my shoulder a light squeeze before looking back to the pastor. 

Then comes the moment for Ben to speak, the pastor calls him to the front. I see him shaking on his legs, but he manages to get to the front without falling. He grabs the stand very tightly, I can see his knuckles turn white under his grip when he starts: 

"Jane, I love you and I wish I told you this years ago, maybe we could've had a real relationship for a couple of years. From the moment I met Jane, I noticed that every time she entered a room, it would immediately get brighter for some reason. Every time she talked about something she liked to do, she'd have that little sparkle in her eyes. And every single time I saw her I felt myself fall for her even more. Jane was... no, is the love of my life. That's something that'll never change," He takes a deep breath, and I can see the tears in his eyes grow bigger and bigger before he continues: " I- I- I just w-w-wis-sh-sh I ha-had..." But he can't keep the tears in, he covers his face with his hands and drops to his knees. I share a look with James and we both run over to him. James grabs his right arm and I grab his left arm, together we pull him up and keep him up. I whisper in his ear: "We're here, take your time, we're not letting you do this alone." He nods before taking a very deep breath. "I wish I had more time with her... To appreciate her, to care for her, to make memories with her and to love her unconditionally. If she was still with us...", another deep breath, "I would've asked her to be my girlfriend by now, I would've made her laugh on bad days, and I'd make her laugh on good days. I'd always be there for her the way she was there for everybody else, " One last deep breath, "I love you, Jane. Forever and always, I'll never forget you." 

He then walks over to the coffin. He stands in front of it and places a kiss on the lid, whispering: "Sleep well, my love. I love you.

Then the three of us go back to our seats and the pastor says his last words and before we know it the moment is there to lay Jane to rest. 

We walk to the graveyard in one silent walk. The coffin is slowly lowered into the ground, all around me I hear people crying, sniffing and some are just completely quiet. Not being able to process what is happening. 

We all stand around Jane's grave for a couple of minutes in silence before the first people start to walk away. Soon James, Ben and I are the only ones left. 

"You know what's weird, "James suddenly says," I'm still in that mindset that Jane is gonna walk over here any moment now as if she has just been on a vacation without us or something. But that mindset is slowly making room for the one where she is really gone, one where she won't be coming back." This is the first time in 7 years I see James cry. 

I pull both boys in for a hug, which lasts at least 10 minutes. 

At one point we all become silent, not knowing what to say anymore. 

At that point, we know, 

Today's the day we officially lost the most beautiful soul we ever met. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This was the final chapter of Today's the day, I'll release the epilogue next week. 

Thank you all for reading, this story has brought me joy but also a lot of tears. 

I used the poem I told at my grandma's funeral, so that brought up a lot of tears. I hope you guys liked my story. 

Stay tuned for the next one!

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