Chapter 4

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- The next morning

I wake up with a banging headache. Not really how I wanted to start my day, but I'll have to get through it. I throw the covers away and get up. I immediately grab the nightstand when I wave of dizziness hits me, luckily it passes after 10 seconds. I walk to my closet, pull out the first outfit I see, I put it on and make my way to the kitchen.

I'm greeted by three very concerned faces. Megan is the first one to speak up after 2 minutes of awkward silence: "Jane, please tell us what's going on. I know something is wrong, please tell me." I look to Ben and he gives me a reassuring nod, I take a deep breath and decide to just blurt it out: "I only have two months left. Not four." I look at Megan first, I see tears forming in the corners of her eyes, then I look at James, he is just staring at me, not knowing what to do or say and then I look at Ben, even though he already knew, he has the same look on his face from when I first told him. Like he still can't believe it, no matter how many times I say it. I look at Megan and seeing her tear up makes me tear up too. I open my arms for her and she immediately takes the invitation for a hug. After no longer than five seconds Ben and James join us. We stay like this for what feels like hours, I don't want to let them go and they don't want to let me go. 

- 1 hour later

We're all sitting on my bed, we all had the time to process my news so now we're gonna continue with the bucket list. Our next stop: Paris. 

"Okay, in Paris we're gonna do three things from our list. Which is why we'll be in Paris for three weeks. One week for sightseeing, one week for the bucket list and one week for other things we want to do. Our first week will be the bucket list week." "What are the plans for the bucket list week?" Ben asks immediately. "Well... we're gonna taste a lot of macarons, Jane is gonna get a tattoo and one other thing, which I'm not gonna tell you about. Yet." "Wait, the tattoo is gonna happen in Paris?" "Yep, so now we have to think of a design. I was thinking of flowers or wings. The wings represent you being free in life and death and flowers because flowers always cheer you up." She answers, but I retort: "Where would the tattoo come? Am I even healthy enough to go through a tattoo session?" "I think your shoulder blade or upper arm would be a beautiful spot for the tattoo and we can ask Kate about your health. Okay?" I really doubt myself for a second, am I able to endure it? Am I even healthy enough to do it? On the other side, I really want to do this. My friends are doing everything they can to make me happy, which is why I say: "Let's do it. I'll ask Kate if I'm allowed to do it." I stand up and leave the room. 

- At the pool

I spot Kate laying by the pool reading a book, I call out to her and when she spots me she comes walking my way. "Hey Jane, how are you feeling? Any headaches or nausea?" She says while looking me over. "I'm completely fine, I did wake up with a pounding headache but it has already faded but I'm here for something else, a question actually." "Okay," she says with a bit of worry in her voice, "what's the question?" "Am I healthy enough to get a tattoo?" She looks a bit taken aback by the question at first but then she answers: "I think you can get a tattoo, but let me go with you at least. I know how much a tattoo hurts," I take a quick peek at her tattoo sleeve, "so I want to be there when you get it. Okay?" I hold out my hand to her and say: "Deal." She takes my hand: "Deal." I say goodbye and go back to my room. 

- Meanwhile in the room

"Okay, Ben. How are the preparations coming? You only have a week left to plan everything." Ben answers: "I already have everything planned except for the most important thing, but that is something I have to deal with that night." "Okay, mate. If you need anything we're here to help." James says. Ben places his hand on his shoulder and says: "Thanks man." 

- Later that evening

- Kate's point of view

"Okay, Jane is already in bed. So now I have the time to talk about something with you guys." I say while looking at all of them. "You all know Jane only has approximately 2 months left. Which means her body is gonna become weaker by the day. I need you guys to keep an eye on her too. She has had a couple of nausea waves and pounding headaches. They are side effects of the medicine she has to take. But besides that, I know you all want to give her the time of her life. She still needs to rest as much as possible. Can you guys promise me you'll always look out for her?" James looks a bit offended and says: "Of course we'll look out for her. She is our best friend." "I know, which is why I know you'll look out for her." 

They all say in unison: "We'll always look after her."

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