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"I get why you need to dye your hair, but why do I have to dye mine?" Jimin whined as we entered his bedroom. "I just had my roots done. Do you know how much that hurts?"

I gestured to my own blonde hair. "Yeah. I do. Bleach hurts."

Jimin pouted, stomped over to his dresser, and pulled out two t-shirts. He tossed one to me. 

"Here, you don't want to ruin your shirt."

"Thanks." I sat the plastic bag containing the boxed dye on the bed. "You need to dye your hair because Sehyun knows what you look like and that we know each other. So, to err on the side of caution, no more blonde hair for either of us."

"Fine," Jimin sighed and shrugged out of his jacket, tossing it on the bed. "I'm sure they know where I live," he grumbled.

"Probably," I shrugged. "But they probably aren't keeping surveillance on this house. I assume it wouldn't go unnoticed."

"No, we have a pretty sophisticated security system and my family has people monitoring the house 24/7." Jimin reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. "We have too many heirs and spares living here, so this place is like a fortress."

Jimin may have continued talking, but I stopped listening the instant I saw abs. A little subtle, not overly pronounced. Topped off with a simple text tattoo on the ribs under his right pectoral muscle, they were a pleasant and welcomed surprise. I had expected him to be very lean, so I was mildly shocked  and couldn't keep myself from staring.

Not that I tried.

"Y/n!" Jimin shouted and I realized it was the fourth time he had called my name. "Are you done drooling, or should I take my pants off, too?"

"I mean, if you don't mind..." I trailed off, letting my gaze drop to his belt.

Jimin froze, not expecting that response, and unsure as to how to proceed.

I couldn't help but laugh at his confusion.

"Jimin, if you want to see who can make the other more uncomfortable, I will win. I am very competitive and have little to no shame." I tossed the shirt he had given me on the bed and grabbed the box of hair dye I had bought for Jimin. "Now put on a shirt, or don't, we're dying your hair either way."

With that, I turned on my heel and made my way to Jimin's en suite bathroom.

Much like the bedroom, the spacious bathroom was decorated in shades of grey with sleek lines and modern finishes. The shower was roughly the size of the entire bathroom in my little rental house. It could easily fit four people, not that you'd want to. But it was an option.

"Can't we just wait for Tae to get home?" Jimin called from the bedroom.

"I can do it. I've dyed other people's hair before. It's fine." I continued to look around the bathroom, noting the expensive shampoo and conditioner in the shower. "It's a semi-permanent. It'll wash out in a few weeks. The color isn't even that dark. Oh-"

I turned around and found myself face-to-face with a still shirtless Jimin, an old black towel draped over his shoulder.

"I see you opted for no-shirt." I fought the urge to break eye contact and let my gaze slip a little lower.

Kidnapper. Arranged marriage. We're trying to solve a murder.

After giving myself a mental cold shower, I took a deep breath and motioned for Jimin to sit down on the toilet lid. "Straddle it, please."

Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!

With a smirk, Jimin did as he was told and sat down.

I tore open the box of hair dye, briefly glanced at the instructions, and donned the provided single-use plastic gloves. After emptying the tube of dye into the small plastic bowl I found in the box, I loaded the brush and moved to beginning coloring Jimin's hair.

Right as I was about to make my first pass with the brush, Jimin's hand shot up and grabbed my wrist. He turned, and his dark brown eyes locked on mine.

"Be gentle."

"Ugh, I hate you." I muttered. Jimin chuckled and released my wrist.

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