Chapter 5: So I Wouldn't Loose My Mind

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Blame The Arson For The Fire


Stanford woke to the birds tweeting savagely outside his window as they fought over whatever bit of food they had found. A warm body was curled up beside him. He looked down to see Bill snuggled up into his side, fast asleep and wearing a pair of his pajamas, as Bill didn't have his own clothes yet. They were a little big on him but the demon didn't seem to care.

Stanford smiled and ran his fingers through the curly locks, the demon stirred at the touch and let out a sleepy noise, "Morning Bill" Ford said quietly.

"Morning" Bill whispered. 

Ford gently stroked the back of his neck with a finger and Bill started purring like he had done all those years ago. Stanford chuckled "Still got it huh?" he asked. Bill blushed and pushed his hand away, embarrassed "S-Stop that!" he said grumbling. Stanford did as he was told and got out of bed, ready to start the day.

The demon sat up once the warmth had left and stretched his back, letting out a wide yawn and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Stanford grabbed some clothes and left the room, most likely to get dressed someplace without Bill eyeing him up like sugar candy.

Last night Bill had been quite lonely in the spare room, especially after waking from a confusing nightmare that had made him feel sick just thinking about it. So, while trying to avoid the creaky floorboards, he had snuck into Fords room, climbing into the bed while he slept and curling up beside him. The man hadn't seemed to mind, in fact he had scooped him up closer and gone back to sleep.


Stanford tugged on the clothes he had taken from his room and looked at himself in the mirror of the small bathroom, eyes wide and a little blood shot. He had a small amount of stubble appearing on his face. 

He rummaged in the drawer for the matches, but found none. He grumbled and summoned the silver flames he hadn't used in awhile, they licked at his hands tauntingly, not burning him. The stubble that had grown burned quickly away and he used a towel to pat the rest of the fire out, "Still quicker that shaving huh?" a voice asked. Stanford turned to see Bill standing there, still in the to big pajamas and smiling tiredly, "Yeah, it is" he replied.

"I didn't know you could still do the magic I gave you. Bring them back?"

Ford summoned the silver flames and Bill smiled, waving his hand over them and feeling the cool warmth, "I was always rather jealous of your magic, once it manifested"

"Why was that?" Stanford asked

"Silver and gold always paired so nice together." was all he said before disappearing back to Stanford's room to get changed.


Today was the day Dipper and Mabel would be returning to Gravity Falls for their second year. Stan was excited to see them once more, happy he could move back into the Shack and eat cake again if he wanted too. Stanford was far to nervous in revealing Bill to the younger twins, the man had taken to pacing the house as he thought, then he'd overthink it all and he'd break down into another panic attack. 

Bill had to calm him down, rubbing circles into his back as Stanford struggled to breath. It hurt him that it was him to blame for these panic attacks, it was his fault, if only he hadn't been so selfish.


Stan smiled as Stanford let him in, rolling his suitcases behind him with a clunk, Bill helped him with the rest, "Thanks" Stan said.

Bill nodded and went back to the book he had been reading upon his arrival.

At lunch Stanford barely touched his food, insisting on biting his fingers, Bill had to summon a pair of mittens after he had pulled away, much to Stanford's annoyance.

"Stop biting your finger nails, you're going to have bloody stubs if you keep that up" Bill said, taking a bite of his sandwich. Stanford removed the mittens and sighed, "Look, I'm just worried, what if they hate me for you being here?"

Bill cocked his head "I'm sure if you explain it all they won't care, as long as they feel safe around me, right?" 

Stan nodded in agreement "Hes got a point Point Dexter, relax, I'm sure it will be fine" 

Stanford huffed, "Yeah, thanks you two." 

Bill smiled "If it helps I could leave?" he questioned.

Stanford shook his head, "No, you're not going anywhere" he said gruffly, 

Bill snorted "That's my Fordsie."

Stan burst into laughter.


"I think I almost got it" Ford declared. Bill floated over and landed in his hair, curling his fingers into the soft brown locks and leaning over to look at the floating board covered in science equations.

"Hmm, close" Bill said, waving his hand at the board, the 8 turned into an infinity and Stanford smiled as he realized he had been right, "Well done."

Bill chuckled and laid down, making 'snow angels' in Fords hair,

"What are you doing?" the man asked,

"Your hairs soft, its nice" Bill replied, twirling a strand between his fingers. Stanford's hand came out of nowhere and grabbed his foot and Bill yelped in shock and frowned as Stanford brought him in front of his face.

"Thanks, but I need to concentrate and you're not helping" 

Bill blushed just a bit, not going unnoticed by Stanford's eyes,

"You changed colour!" he cried, reaching out and gently stroking the pink ting to Bill's 'cheeks' 

Bill slapped his hand away, "No! I will not be touched! Last time that happened I fell asleep!" he said angrily, Stanford chuckled "You were so adorable" he cooed.


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