Chapter 7: And If You Only Die Once

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If He Wants To Shirk The Blame


Two week into the twins stay, Bill had been desperately trying to prove himself to the younger teens. Helping Mabel with her crazy projects and getting into monster trouble with Dipper. Stanford was grateful that he was trying to be good, but one though kept coming to mind, 

Why was Bill back? 

How was he human? 

Bill obviously knew the reason, but he kept silent.

He knew someone else who could tell him, someone pink, someone he hadn't seen in a very long time, the question was, how would he contact them?

"Bill!?" he called.

"In here!!" Bill's loud voice replied from the living room. Stanford walked into room and chuckled, the humanized demon was with Mabel, the teen measuring him with a pink measuring tape as he stood still with his arms up, "I'm going out for a walk, I'll be back soon okay?" 

Bill nodded and Stanford raised an eyebrow "Whats going on?"

"Oh, Mabel's making me a sweater" Bill said with a smile. 

Ford smiled "Very nice."


As he trekked through the forest his brain buzzed with unanswered questions. 

How in the multiverse was he going to find them? 

The Axolotl wasn't quite the one for just having a front door handy when you needed it. They were a being of solitude, only appearing when absolutely needed. 

But he needed them! 

He needed answers! 

He continued his walk, trying very hard to think of ways he could talk to them, perhaps a spell?

His eyes widened as he stumbled, tripping over an exposed tree root as he tried to regain his footing. Stanford didn't have time to realize what had just happened because as the ground came up to greet him, he hit his head on a rock and passed out, colours swarming in his mind,




Time came to a stop, the world grounded to a halt, and when Stanford opened his eyes, all he could see was pink.


Bill sat down on the sofa, cross legged as he opened the book he had been reading, Stan was in the arm chair, fast asleep, his snores like a fog horn and far to annoying to even get any reading done. Bill was quite happy that Ford didn't snore like that, "Good book?" Dipper asked, coming in to watch TV.

Bill looked up, "It would be if people would quit distracting me" the demon said, Dipper frowned "Sorry" he said, sitting down on the floor with the remote.

Bill shook his head, "It's fine, just shoosh" he said. The demon frowned as he went back to his book, trying to block out Stan's annoying noises. But something didn't feel right, something was wrong, it burrowed into his head and made him feel like nothing else would be right unless he fixed whatever it was. Bill looked up at the view from the window, he gasped as he realized what it was

Stanford was in trouble. 

Bill stood up, the book falling to the floor. Dipper looked up "Is something wrong?"

Bill nodded, "I think Stanford's hurt, you coming?"

Dipper nodded "Yes" he said. 

Bill raced out the door with Dipper hot on his heels.


"Stanford Pines" a voice called. Stanford turned around, his eyes wide as he floated in the pink realm. The Axolotl floated before him, calm and tranquil,

"Y-You! Um, er hi? What is it?" he asked, nervously and slightly rude, although he wasn't meaning to be.

The Ancient chuckled "You were looking for me, No?" they asked,

Ford nodded "W-Well yes, I just, um, wanted to ask you something" he replied. 

The Axolotl stayed silent so Ford continued "Why did you bring Bill back? Why is he here? And why is he human?"

"He must atone for his crimes, spending the rest of his mortal bodies days as a being he use to despise so much seemed appropriate" the Ancient replied. Ford frowned, finally understanding, "So his punishment is death?...and to out live his friends? Huh. If you knew he was going to come back nice and not possess me again, why give me the metal plate?" he asked.

The Axolotl smiled, or were they always smiling, "If not for the metal plate, Stanley, your brother, would have never mentioned the twin switch plan, Bill would of won." 

Ford cursed himself for not seeing that, "Right, you're rather good at this...Thanks for answering my questions, Axolotl" 

Stanford grimaced as a pain echoed in his head, "Would you like me to remove the plate now? You won't feel a thing, it will be quick, it appears to be causing you harm" The Axolotl said, noticing his discomfort.

Ford nodded, wincing as the sharp pain got worse, "Yes, please, I don't need it now."

The Ancient did so and Stanford sighed happily as he felt the pain disappearing, "Now, it is time for you to go, you have people looking for you, do not worry" they said.

Ford clutched his head as he felt a sense of vertigo, the pink left his eyes, turning to black, then gray, then red. 

And when Stanford opened his eyes, all he could see was green.


"STANFORD!" Bill yelled, eyes darting around as he tried to find him, they had been searching for a little over five minutes, tearing around the woods in search of the lost man.

Dipper gasped as spotted the beige trench coat, "BILL! OVER HERE!" the teen yelled, racing to his Great Uncles side. Stanford let out a groan as he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Dipper?" he whispered. Dipper smiled "Stay still, I think you hit your head" the teen said. 

Bill came racing over "Stanford! You're an idiot" he grumbled, kneeling down beside him. 

Carefully, and with difficulty, Bill picked him up. He noticed the long gash around the back of his head, blood already congealing as it clotted. Dipper frowned "That doesn't look good" he said, Bill huffed "Just stay close to me" the demon replied. 

With a burst of magic Bill hurried back to the Shack, Stanford struggling to stay awake in his arms. The demon used his magic to keep Stanford close and keep him lighter. The shorter male struggling to hold on to him even with his magic. Bill mentally cursed the Axolotl for making him short.

They made it to the Shack in seconds, a bout of dizziness washed over him and Bill collapsed on to the porch, panting loudly. He felt all magicked out, nothing but a small fizz remained, "Bill!" Dipper said in shock, appearing at the edge of the tree line. He ran the last few meters and hurried up the steps, the wood creaking loudly. Before he could ask what was wrong the demon passed out. 

Dipper dragged them both inside, and with Stan's help and a first aid kit later, both were asleep in their respective areas.


Bill woke with a groan, everything felt bigger, he felt smaller, even his bed seemed to have drastically enlarged, that was odd. He peeled his eyelids open and frowned as he noticed the room did indeed look bigger. 

He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes as he blinked away the sleep.

Those slitted pupils widened as they looked upon his hands, the room hadn't gotten bigger, he, he had gotten smaller, and with that Bill burst into tears.

Something I Need (BillFord) (A Gravity Falls Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now