Chapter 10: If We Got Nothing, We Got Us

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(Song For This Chapter: Rise Up - TheFatRat)


Bill gazed down at the angry man, trench coat swirling in the wind of his dream as the corn field blew about. Bill kept his emotions down low as Sixer yelled at him. Telling him he would stop him. The trust disappearing, the friendship breaking, everything gone in a snap of his fingers. Bill could feel his stupid heart breaking.

Join me Sixer, please?

Stanford summoned the silver flames, magic Bill had given him, magic that had once been his own. Bill gazed at him calmly as he came at him and the demon snapped his fingers, Stanford woke from his dream instantly.

Bill watched him like a ghost above as the man panted loudly, sweat dripping down his face as he tried desperately to breath.

Stanford's first panic attack.

Bill drifted back to his body, back in the throne, back to the darkness he had lived in for so long alongside his friends, the tumbling decaying world between dimensions.

The Nightmare Realm.


Bill looked up at the stars as he sat on the roof, tears running down his face as he watched the stars glitter above him, 

Oh, how beautiful they were.

He heard the roof creak and he looked up. It was Stanford, the man gave him a sad smile and sat down beside him "Here you are, I was worried you had run off, whats the matter?" he asked kindly, pulling him into a hug. Bill sniffed "Did I ever tell you about my past, my home, before I become an immortal demon?"

Ford shook his head "No, not really, I thought you were just born from chaos and nightmares"

Bill smiled sadly "No, I had a mother and father, just like everyone else.....I also had a brother."

Stanford's eye widened, "A brother? What was his name?"

"William" Bill said

"Isn't that your name?" Ford pointed out

"Yes, we were twins, he was Will, I was Bill, two triangles in the second dimension, happy, free, with three perfect sixty degree sides." 

Bill smiled wistfully.

"You were a twin?" Stanford asked, the cool breeze ruffled his hair, it was nice to have cool nights like this in the summer. Bill nodded "He was really smart, taught me chess."

"So that's how you got so good at it, hmm?" Stanford ran his fingers through Bills curls hair and the demon closed his eyes at the touch, enjoying it.

"He had this huge stack of illegal books about the third dimension, I learned about colours and other worlds, amazing things that blew my child mind, when he showed me the colours one night, that's was when I found out that my favorite was yellow, Will liked the blue."

"I see, I thought it was because you were yellow?"

Bill chuckled "No"

"Did he get to see it like you did? The third dimension?"

"No" Bills voice choked and Stanford hugged him tighter, "My brother was taken away, for the illegal books and numerous other things he did that broke the laws. I never saw him again...." 

Bill buried his head into Stanford sweatered side and sobbed.

The man soothed him, rubbing his back and just holding him as Bill sniffled. He pulled away, an angry look in his eyes, "He was killed because of some STUPID FUCKING BOOKS!!" Bill screamed.

The demon stood up and picked up the ice cooler, throwing it off the roof with a burst of magic, it hit the tree and broke, crashing to the ground. Melted ice and a few odd cans of Pitt Cola littering the ground amoungst the broken plastic.

Cyan flames flared to life in the dim darkness and licked at his fingers, lighting up the small area. Bill panted, chest heaving as he tried to calm down, eventually he sat back down, bursting into angry tears once more, "I hated it, I screamed at my parents, I cursed the circles, but nothing, nothing could bring him back, NOTHING!" the demon sobbed angrily, his eyes red from crying.

"So, I ran away..."

"Where to?" Ford asked.

"The books said an interdimensonal tear would open up every five hundred years in the junkyard, where a higher being would wait to bestow info of the third dimension onto a chosen one. I went there on the eve of when it would happen, waited all night, waited all day. And when it finally opened, I went through it"

"Then what"

Bill snorted "Shit happened" he said with a weak laugh, looking up at him. Stanford kissed his forehead as Bills glowing watery yellow eyes stared at him, "I thought these higher beings the book talked about could save my world, bring my brother back, make everything better again, but they failed me too, I lost hope, I lost faith, I lost everything."

Bill wiped his nose on his sleeve.

"I learned that if I wanted to save my world I had to do it myself. So I bottled all those emotions up, I became a demon (but thats another story) and I returned home. I gave the circles a choice, get rid of the delusions that society gave them or suffer my wrath. They refused to back down in what the believed in, telling me I was being ridiculous, they were so caught up in the mind-washing words they were raised on, I realized there was nothing I could do to fix them, so I destroyed them instead, I knew it was wrong, but I was just so angry!"

Ford tilted Bill's face to look at him, "Do you miss home? Do you miss the way things use to be? Before they took your brother away?"

"Yes, but if I hadn't become the most feared being in the multiverse I would never have met you" Bill said, giving him a smile. Stanford leaned in and kissed him, leaning his forehead on Bills once he pulled away. The demon took a deep breath, breathing in the warm and comforting scent that was his boyfriend, "I love you Stanford Pines."

Ford kissed the tip of his nose, "I love you too, Bill"

Fords eyes drooped and he suddenly seized up. Bill looked at him confused, jumping a little as a new voice issued from his mouth, "I'm so proud of you" the Axolotl/Stanford said. Bill cocked his head to one side. 

What was the Axolotl doing interrupting his conversation with Ford!?

"Why?" he asked a little curious.

"You suffered, you tried to fix certain issues the wrong way, you did a lot of bad things to good people, but now you're realizing your mistakes, you feel bad for the things that you did, I think you're on the right track now, Bill, ready to absolve those crimes."

Bill smiled "Thanks Axl."

Stanford rubbed his eyes as the Ancient left him and he looked down at Bill with a tired look in his eyes, "I must of fallen asleep, are you okay?" he asked, 

Bill nodded, 

"Yeah, I will be."

Something I Need (BillFord) (A Gravity Falls Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now