Arrival of the Clash

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3. Arrival of the Clash


"Dialogue" 'Thoughts' *Headset Dialogue*


A velvet colored sky painted the city of Seoul as it began it's shift into night time. Among a quieter part of a business park area, 4 people stood on top of a 6 story parking deck as dark swirls began to form in the clouds above. 3 of those people were heroines responding to an incident that lead them into a person of interest that has been on the run. Unfortunately for 1 of the heroines, she was a little too eager to capture that person and is now held hostage by gunpoint.

"Leader!" yelled 2 heroines as they watched their leader being held hostage.

"For your sake and mine...don't do anything stupid." whispered a blonde woman to her hostage as she held a pistol towards the leader's neck. She had an very slight accent so the hostage knew that she wasn't from around here. Her mouth was covered in a black face mask and she wore a cap to cover most of her face showing only her tired but captivating brown eyes.

Unknown to her, all the heroines wore slick armor that had high tech functionalities and luckily for them, their helmets were able to communicate to each other without the woman knowing by doing a simple finger gesture on their gloves.

*Dammit! How reckless of me...I underestimated her! But being able to reverse my hold is not something a normal person can do...and I don't know what her quirk is but just being near her is making me feel weak. Stay back a bit and let me think of something.* the leader announced as she spoke to the other two.

"And you two, stay away if you don't want your dear leader to get hurt!" yelled the woman as she glared at the two who were on the slope leading to the lower floor below.

The two could only watch the woman from below as they made plans in secret with each other without the woman knowing.

*She actually reversed a hold from leader?! She's definitely not a random person, that's for sure...* spoke a tall woman in a dark blue armor that was similar to the leader's purple.

*Yujin ...did you get any info on who we are up against? She's definitely the same person of interest from the incident of the restaurant.* questioned the 3rd woman in coral colored armor.

Yujin had her right hand on the side of her helmet as she saw info starting to appear on the inside of her visor.

*This is weird unnie....for this woman, it's not like a normal bounty that we usually get for jobs like this. For some reason, it's just a report with a lot of redacted info from a Quirk Correctional Camp? Apparently she's been on the run from the police and heroes for a few years now and she's of Japanese nationality. Her name is blocked for some strange reason but "Heartbreaker" is an alias that keeps popping up. She's had 1 large incident and several small ones.....apparently in her first large incident, about 30 people died. From that, she was taken away from her family and sent to a Quirk Correctional Camp at an unknown age for an undisclosed amount of time but she managed to escape at the age of 13. As for those 30 seems the majority of them were very young students. She managed to come to South Korea illegally about 2 years ago but she has not commit anything over least not yet. Also for some reason, there's not much info on her quirk besides those who are near her get weaker. It seems that Camp redacted a lot of info on her so that's all we have for now.*

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