Of Villains and Heroes

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4. Of Villains and Heroes


"Dialogue" 'Thoughts'


As quick as she spoke, Yujin then came running towards the woman and landed a left hook to her ribs into a heavy right cross to the face causing her to stumble backwards. Just as she was about to get her bearings, the taller girl did a side kick to the woman's stomach, causing her to cough out her breath as it left her body forcefully. She retreated a few feet away from the two as she started to panic, unable to keep a steady rhythm in her breathing.

'Uhhggggh........ *cough* why are they so relentless!? I need to distance myself quickly!'

"Unnie don't worry, I'm here so let's subdue her now!" yelled the youngest Heroine as she advanced towards their target.

Heartbreaker's vision began to blur more from their attacks and upon hearing the taller girl speak, she got into a defensive stance and rooted her feet to the ground. She wanted to get out of the smoke since it was making everything worse but she knew that she was somewhat close to the edge of the building and didn't want to risk herself falling off if she misstep in any direction backwards.

'This is crazy...they're really treating me like an actual villain. I knew I shouldn't have brought that stupid gun with me but that man was coming for me...dammit, what have I gotten myself into now!? I definitely can't take all 3 of them at once and that throw did hefty damage on my movement and my vision is deteriorating quickly...'

*cough* "Are you guys that bent on taking me in? I already said that I didn't start that incident at the restaurant nor did I kill those 6 gangsters!" yelled the woman as she tried to get them to listen but to no avail.

The leader got up to her feet and started a series of kicks towards the target as the latter ducked and dodged out of the way but still got struck a few times. She then saw the taller woman come in with a pair of handcuffs homing in on her hands but she parried it skillfully and used the momentum to toss her aside. The leader came in right after with a roundhouse kick but the woman ducked under and took a few steps forward and then grabbed the leader's leg and swung her to the taller girl on the ground near them.

A loud crashing of bodies was heard along with a few curses as she ran and grabbed both their arms with a slight twist and started to cuff the taller woman's hand with the older woman's. She then knocked both their helmets together leading to a loud clang as she then backed away hoping to get further away from them. She turned around and ran a good distance away from the 2 until she saw a shadow in front of her that almost hit her head with merely inches to spare. Luckily she rolled out out of the way in time as she looked back and saw the outline of a fist where her head was. The momentum of the fist pushed the smoke back and revealed the 3rd heroine as she then cracked her knuckles as the woman watched.

"You again...did you really have to throw that smoke bomb at my eye!? You nearly blinded me and now it's swelling up!" she yelled in anger.

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