What the hell happened?

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- Can you hear me?

Hongdong again. She'd know that voice anywhere. She was having another deja-vu. She knew what the next question was going to be.

- Yuki Ma Xi Wang, President Yuki Ma Xi Wang. Lambda. Mu. Psi. Four. Nine. Two. Omicron-

She felt a hand on her shoulder and opened her eyes. It was Achilles, smiling. Next to him stood Hongdong. Same hair, same face, same sickly expression. Still looked like she was going to puke. She was back in the white room.

Achilles spoke.

- You fainted.
- Is that all? I thought I was going to die.

Achilles turned to Hongdong, prompting her to explain.

- Physically, you're in excellent shape, President. I can find nothing wrong at all.
- So why am I back in your lab?

Hongdong's face redenned.

- We... er... We've had some problems with the unit's latent memories.
- I'd hardly call what I just experienced latent.
- No. Quite. The unit's neural network was wiped and regrown three times. We could wipe it again-
- You want to delete me?

Hongdong's eyes widened in fear.

- No, President! Each wipe causes an exponential deterioration-
- I get dumber.
- Well no, not exaclty. The Yuki units were designed to hold a default knowledgebase and recreate the synaptic model downloaded. We never expected to have to wipe one and the neurones seem somewhat resistant to the process. Wiping also appears to compromise the unit's ability to regrow connections. Rather like artificial aging.
- That sounds ominous.

Tiny beads of sweat lined Hongdong's brow and her knuckles glowed white as she clutched her tablet. Achilles stepped in to help.

- They assure me it's not. You're fine. Your upload didn't fill the memory so-
- So you're saying I'm a mental dwarf?

Achilles smiled.

- Not at all, President. The unit's capacity is far larger than necessary. It's designed to house the brain plus all the sensorial enhancement implants and the knowledgebase. What doctor Hongdong is saying is that regrowth might be compromised if we continue wiping and regrowing. The unit's brain is not built to be grown, wiped and regrown. It's built to be grown once.
- So what is it with these latent memories?
- They're not sure. The units were never supposed to develop any consciousness of their own so it was never contemplated that they would have any. They were never supposed to gain consciousness. Unfortunately, this unit did and, from what we can gather, its early experiences were rather... traumatic. It was forced to construct a persona to cope with its environment and, as Doctor Hongdong has explained, the experiences that formed this persona have proven resistant to the wipes.
- So am I me or this unit's emotional baggage?

Hongdong spoke.

- You're you, obviously, but-
- But I'm going to be passing out whenever the unit has a panic attack.
- No... That is... I mean, as time goes on, I expect the blackouts to happen with less frequency. As your own new experiences overwrite the latent ones.
- You expect?
- We've... never done this before, President. As far as we can ascertain these... flashbacks... are the neural network's way of purging itself of non-useful information. Rather like a dream. In the case of traumatic memories, it may cause the system to shut down.
- And by system you mean me.

Hongdong was trembling. Achilles took over again.

- They think certain situations may trigger flashbacks. If we avoid these situations...
- The dog...
- Perhaps.
- Height. Falling.
- It would seem so.
- What else?

Achilles shrugged.

- We don't know.
- So it could be anything.
- Unfortunately, yes.
- Hard to avoid if I don't know what to avoid.
- Yes.
- So we're back to me passing out every time the unit has a panic attack?
- I wouldn't put it like that...

She turned to Hongdong.

- How would you put it, doctor?
- Your new body is capable of many things your old one was not. The more you push it, the more you fill it with experiences. The more yours it will become, and the less chance of flashbacks or blackouts. The psycho-motor tests are designed to help with that. Thinking and remembering will also displace resistant networks. And you need rest, as much as possible, while your mind asserts control over its new nervous system. Meditation-
- I've got a city to run, doctor! The Exodus wont happen by itself. When will I find time to meditate?
- Sleep then. Sleep-
- I've been asleep for a year, doctor.
- Yes, President, but it's not the same. You must sleep. And dream. It is far better for the purges to occur while you are sleep than while you're awake.
- Obviously. So you're suggesting I should go and lie down until the unit purges itself?
-Yes. No! I mean-

 Achilles spoke again.

- I don't think she's suggesting you do nothing, President, just that you take it step by step. Follow the plan she has prepared for you. From what I understand the Yuki units cognitive abilities are far more advanced, and much faster, than the implants to which you are accustomed. Perhaps, if you start with the plan this afternoon, we could meet tomorrow? Take it from there?

Achilles touched the doctor's elbow. She stared at him for a moment, then seemed to understand she was expected to agree. She nodded quickly.

- Yes. Yes. That would be excellent.
- And how long does this plan last?
- Three months, with decreasing intensity.

It did make sense. Her enhanced abilities would more than compensate any down-time. There were a few points niggling her already though and the scenario algorithms she was running had returned results with favourable probabilities. It would be a shame to waste them.  

- Very well.

She turned to Achilles.

- The elevator repairs are too slow and there's a launch window coming up. The elevator needs to be ready or we'll lose four years. 
- The bots are working flat out, but carbon is becoming a problem. It's running low.
- I know. I see the Jack Sparrow delivered forty millions tons of tyres to an American Federation pyrolysis plant two weeks ago but they can't cope with the volume. They don't have enough power to cope with our requirements.
- Correct.
- So redirect the solar microwave sats. Send the power to the plant.

Achille's eyes glazed as he ran his own simulation. A moment later he nodded.

- That would work. The carbon would be here in three months. What about the wisps? They'll be without power.
- None of them need braking yet. And the two thousand approaching the heliopause can wait. They'll be out of sync, but we can solve that. We need the carbon.
- Excellent idea, President.
- Tellurium...
- We have two weeks stock left. Kiyotaka-
- Kiyotaka will take Kazakhstani uranium. See that the H15N23 virus is be reported in Almaty. Then offer the Kazakhstanis the neuraminidase inhibitors in exchange for twelve tonnes of uranium and ship it to Tokyo. Should get Kiyotaka a year's power and a re-election. And I want tonne for tonne.

Achilles nodded. He opened his mouth to speak but she interrupted.

- Grain. We need the Canadian grain.
- Yes. I was going to-
- I've seen what you've been doing, but try this. We can kill two birds with one stone. The Candians need phosphates.
- Yes.
- The Chinese have them.
- Yes, but the Qins-
 - I've had enough of the Qins, especially now they've got our IFF codes and drone technology. It's time to take our gloves off. Request phosphates. I know they've got that recycling pisspit up and running. We must have something they need, so give it to them. Hell, build them another pit. And if they give you any trouble, and I mean any, I want Ying Ze, Ying Zhu and Ying Zichu removed. Have the Wikiists write them out of existence. Then offer Ziying our full support.
- Ziying is a democratic socialist. He has spoken against you in the past.
- I know. If he starts spouting anti-Exodus propaganda take out the Chengdu rail links with a couple of Godrods. If he's still mouthing off after that, raze the whole damn city.
- That's twenty thousand people, President.
- Twenty thousand Chinese, Achilles. We won't miss them.
- Yes, President. This morning I was informed that the Mexicali Cartel intend to begin mining the Bordo Poniente landfill. They're talking of ten million tons of plastic.
- Keep them friendly. Help them get their Angel Dust over the border into California and give them what they need to keep the workers working 24/7. I don't want any of the usual cartel strong-arm bullshit. Happy workers are fast workers. Vaccinations, filters, food, protective clothing. But anyone that mentions syndicates or unions gets an immediate Isis trim and tubed for the others to watch. Make sure they understand who they're working for and what'll happen if they stop.
- They'll understand.
- They'd better. I don't want another Mumbai.
- I think we all learned lessons with that, President.
- Good. Get on with it. And Achilles...
- Yes, President?
- Tomorrow I want to know who the hell is Dassick.

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