Brief respite...

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For the second time that night she woke with a start. Her heart rate was at two hundred beats per minute and her veins so pumped with adrenalin she had pins and needles in her hands and feet. Her face and neck were cool with sweat.

Four thirty am this time.

As the lights came on she sensed Hongdong pulling the data. Before she could appear she denied the connection. There was nothing Hongdong could do. They were just dreams. In a masochistic kind of way she was enjoying them; they were the most emotionally intense experiences she had had for a century or more. Besides, the unit had survived intact, so what could possibly happen? It had been conscious for a month, so at worst she had a month of nightmares to look forward to. It couldn't all have been this bad. Just the first few days. She could handle that.

By the time she had showered and changed her garment she was calm and the mattress had refreshed itself. She lay down and went back to sleep.

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