(Skip in time.. 6 years later) Sad already

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(Bakugou's POV)

So Ei, and myself are dating now after all of what happened that day, and I'm going to be completely honest, I'm way happier than I was before.                                                                                        Each, and everyday him, and I hang out, cuddle, share food, hold hands, occasionally fuck...          Okay, okay! at least fuck once a week, well we would more if we didn't have school but anyways.

No one knows that we were together, well except for this one time during lunch when me, and Kirishima made a plan to meet in the bathroom in a stall.. possibly for a make-out.                              Plot twist, we made it there, went in the stall, made-out for a few minutes, and then Kaminari walked in the stall... yeah.. I told that dumbass to lock the fucking stall.                                                      The look on that retards face when he saw us sucking each others tongues in a bathroom stall.

Anyways that was a hard thing for me to get off my chest... All those good, happy memories... To be honest I don't know where Eijiro is anymore... I'm sure he's out there somewhere, well here comes another hard fucking thing to say.

When me and Eijiro where sitting in the common room, sharing some ice-cream cause why not... Everyone of us in 1A got called down to the classroom by Aizawa.                                                                  It was a rush to get down there, as soon as we did though we all could see the worried look on Aizawa's face, when we all circled around him... He told us we all had a mission.. It was something to do with a new villain.

I never knew that would be the last day I saw the love of my life... it might sound like the classic dumb loose your so called true love, bla, bla, bla, shitty romantic story... I know it was more than that though, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, god dammit...

It was too late... He shouted at me to get back, jumping in front of me to knock me out of the way... he didn't activate his quirk fast enough... and... the blade thrown through my sweet, caring, Eijiro, sent him flying through the air in shock... I couldn't bare to see him doing such a stupid thing like that to save my dumb ass... even though I would have done the same for him.

I blacked out of the shock going through my body... I woke up a few hours later laying in the nurses office on a bed, getting checked up... a few minutes later everyone stormed in the room surrounding me, looking worried... as soon as they surrounded me I noticed Ei was nowhere to be seen.

I asked where he was, and the room went silent... They all struggled to fucking tell me that my Eijiro was fucking gone... I shouted at everyone to get out, and just sat there curled up.  

It turns out.. his body was nowhere to be found... no one has seen him around... he could still be alive and no one even bothered looking for him since day one.. I tried looking for him and obviously I didn't find him.. I miss him so much to this day.. I think about him everyday.. I have to take medication now to deal with my depression, but it doesn't help the fact that he could still be alive and I don't even know.

(Alright I'm kind of sorry and just saying I would never kill my best boy but maybe just maybe he is dead find out later)

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