The First Jumper 13: First Light

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The first thing Little Bear became aware of was a hand upon his chest.  The hand felt warm, and it tingled.

The next thing he realized was that he was very uncomfortable, and weak.  He tried to open his eyes, but they would not open.  He reached up to rub his eyes, and heard a squeak.  The hand withdrew, followed by swift, thumping steps.

He managed to get his eyes unglued enough to open them.  The world was much too bright, but blurry shapes were visible.

One of the larger shapes moved close, and said something incomprehensible.  It was a kaleidoscope of color, tinged with yellow, and it made his heart beat faster.  It spoke again, but the words still meant nothing, although they sounded hostile.

Little Bear rubbed his eyes again, and tried to lick his lips, but his tongue would not work.  He blinked some more, and finally began to discern that a human shape was standing over him.  Another rub and some more blinks, and he could tell that it was his best friend, Tiger.

Tiger said, “You hear me, Little Bear?  Tell anyone what happened, and I will kill you.  And Willow is mine.  Touch her, and I will kill you.”

The words meant nothing to Little Bear, but Willow came running back, in time to hear the last sentence.

“Stay away from me,” she hissed at Tiger, loud enough for the men and women gathering around to hear.

Willow knelt down beside Little Bear, and trickled a little water into his mouth from a water skin.  Little Bear could not swallow, as all his mouth felt glued together, but his mouth seemed to absorb all of the water at once.  Then he coughed weakly, spraying water.

“Turn him on his side,” said one of the other women, and she helped Willow turn Little Bear so.  He coughed some more, and made as if to swallow.

"Let him cough a bit, then give him more water," the woman said.  "I'm Ash, by the way.  I know you're Willow."

Willow's eyes widened, as she realized this woman was the senior wife of Cave Bear.  "You are Tiger's mother," she said.

"Yes," said Ash with a smile.  "I know my son has his eye on you."

Willow looked down at Little Bear with a troubled expression, and Ash leaned in close.  "Being the senior wife of the chief has many advantages."

When she saw Little Bear was done coughing, Ash said, "Let's sit him up.  There.  Now give him more water."

Little Bear was able to swallow a couple of mouthfuls, this time, before he turned his head.  Then he leaned back, and they laid him back.  He turned on his side by himself, this time, and was instantly asleep.

Ash and Willow stood.  "Let's take a walk," Ash said.  "Apple will watch over Little Bear."

She gestured to one of the other women, and Willow recognized another of Cave Bear's wives.  Apple took the water skin from Willow and knelt down by Little Bear.

"She will take care of him.  Come on."

Something about the way Ash said that bothered Willow, but she let the tribe's head woman lead her away.  The two women crossed the sleeping area, away from where Tiger was talking to his father and waving his arms.  They walked a few feet into the bushes.  As they talked, they continued to look nervously around them, for while the area just outside the main camp was fairly safe from animals, it was never completely safe to be away from the main tribal camp area.

"Willow," said Ash, "I know you have been caring for Little Bear this past moon, and it's a very good thing to do, but do you know how badly we need every warrior?"

Willow frowned, puzzled.  "Isn't that all the more reason to care for Little Bear?"

Ash nodded.  "It would be, if he were going to be a warrior.  He is going to be a medicine man, if he lives, and we have to have one of those.  It's important to preserve him, if we can."

She paused a beat, then went on.  "Willow, do you know what will happen if you choose Little Bear?"

Trembling, Willow shook her head, although she suspected the answer.  "Tiger will kill him, and you will become Tiger's property.  Someone else will be his senior wife--probably Blueberry--and you'll just be one of her servants.  We'll lose Little Bear for the tribe, and you'll lose your one chance to become head woman."

She looked into Willow's eyes.  "I like you, Willow.  I think you'll make a good head woman for my Tiger.  Don't be foolish about what you might gain or lose, okay?  Your choice will be upon you, soon.  Be sure you choose well."

She led her back into the main camp area, but away from where Little Bear lay.  She gestured over there.  "Apple will watch over him, from now on."

"No!" said Willow.  She looked over to where Apple was watching Little Bear attentively, leaning over him.  Her husband Cave Bear was standing beside her, looking down at Little Bear.

As Willow pulled to the side, Ash easily caught her arm, and pulled her back.  "Remember when I said there were advantages to being the senior wife of the chief?"

Willow nodded.

"One of them is that all the women in the tribe have to obey you.  You are done taking care of Little Bear, Willow."

Then she turned forward, and Willow saw that they were approaching Tiger.

"Hello, mother," he said.

Willow saw that Day-lily and Blueberry were standing close to him, and for some reason, that made her uneasy.

"Hello, son," said Ash.  "Willow here no longer has anything to do."

Both of the other girls, a little younger than her, pouted at Willow, but Ash just smiled, and walked away.

As Willow looked around in confusion, Blueberry took Tiger's arm, held it close, and said, "Tell me how you killed the monster again, Tiger."

As Tiger smiled and began sharing his exploit, Willow found herself gravitating to where she could catch the most of his attention.  When she saw him look at her and smile, it made her both gratified and nervous.

When he turned away for a moment to get his spear to show them, she looked back over to where Apple was tending Little Bear, and saw Raccoon running across the camp to his son.  Cave Bear was still there, Ash standing beside him.  Ash was looking at Willow, her eyebrows raised, a hard smile on her face.

Blushing, Willow turned back to where Tiger was returning to show them his spear, dark with the blood of the monster.  Willow watched and listened to the rest of Tiger's story, biting her fingernail.

[end of chapter -- did you vote?]

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