The First Jumper 44: Revelations

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The years went by quickly.  Summers were warm again, and winters were mercifully short.  The tribe no longer went as far north as the valley below the Cave of Flying, but after two brutal summers on the southern plain, they went back to the plateau forest for the summer, and returned to the hammock for the winter.

Twice, over the years, they found another tribe occupying their hammock, when they returned to it for the winter.  Both times, they were able to drive off the other tribe with no losses, as Long Spear continued to grow in strength and size.

Little Bear did his best to teach sanitation and basic health to his people.  He was opposed in this by Briar and Tiger, but Ash and Willow prevailed upon Tiger to let Little Bear do his odd things, as they were generally good for the tribe.

Most of what Little Bear did had to do with making sure the tribe ate a wide variety of foods, and not just meat.  He also got them to start washing themselves wherever possible, especially when someone was sick.

Using sanitation, basic hygiene, and cautious use of antibiotics, Little Bear was able to reduce infant mortality.  They still lost babies, but instead of few surviving, almost all survived.  Women still died in childbirth, but fewer died from infection afterwards.

Briar remained the Medicine Woman, but the tribe gradually learned that they were much better off going to Little Bear with their hurts and woes than to Briar.  Briar was perpetually angry with Little Bear.  Even when he saved her son Raksha from a fever, she still didn't forgive him.

With mild weather, plenty of food, and better hygiene, the tribe exploded in population.

By the time Otter and She Bear had reached their teens, the weather was turning cold again, but the tribe had well over two hundred members.  They had not been raided again, for they always left a contingent of warriors with throwing sticks behind when they went hunting.  Two attempts to raid them had been driven off, easily.  They had also not needed to raid other tribes, for there were enough of each gender around that their children could marry others who were not related.

It was a good time for the tribe.

Little Bear had developed several kinds of medicines from his research, but he needed to replenish his stores.  One night, as Little Bear was preparing to go back to the Cave of Flying with Otter, Briar came to him.

Little Bear had avoided Briar as much as possible.  It hadn't helped their relationship, but he just didn't want to deal with her.

Willow, who was Tiger's senior wife, was very ill, along with her daughter Sprout.  Briar had done all she could, but when it came down to it,  she knew that Tiger might well kill her, if she let Willow die.  She also knew that Little Bear might be able to help where she could not.

Little Bear went over right away, of course.  Otter went with him, as he usually did.  Willow and Sprout were indeed both very ill.  Tiger was out on an extended search for game with Gopher and Long Viper, and would not be back for another three days.

After looking them over, Little Bear decided it might be something that could be helped by the antibiotic molds from the cave.  He gave them each a little bit--just enough--for several days, and each began to get better.

When Sprout started to get better and asked for more of the magic, Little Bear warned her that it was also poison.  A little bit might help, but too much would kill.

Tiger came back about the time Willow and Sprout made full recoveries.  When Tiger asked what had happened, Briar told him that she had worked her magic to heal Willow and Sprout.  She did not mention Little Bear at all.

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