The First Jumper 25: Rearrangements

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Raccoon said, “You know that is not what happened, Chief.”  Then he glanced around, and pulled Cave Bear aside to the edge of the canyon, as Dire Wolf and the others looked at the bear, and determined whose spear had killed it.  Holly and others came forward to begin cutting up the sheep, and Ringtail and his sons moved into the forest to find a sheltered place for a fire.  Whatever else happened, they were not moving forward until the next morning.

Cave Bear and Raccoon stood by the cliff for some time, waving their arms and occasionally shouting.  Eventually, they both nodded, and returned.

When they got to the dead bear, Cave Bear said, “Did you find the killing spears?”

“Yes,” said Dire Wolf.  “It was this one.”  He pointed to Tiger’s second spear, which had gone well into the side, and had penetrated the heart.  “Tiger’s throw.”

Cave Bear nodded, his face proud despite the losses.  “It was a good cast, Tiger.”  He looked back at Dire Wolf.  “Any others?”

“No.  Just Tiger.”

Cave Bear looked down at the bear for a moment more, frowning.  Then he nodded.  “Very well.”  He turned to Tiger, and said, “Come.”

They walked over to where Clover and Aster knelt by the body of Sloth.  All those not busy with other tasks went with them, and gathered around, as Cave Bear spoke to the two women.

"The bear killed Sloth.  Tiger avenged Sloth by killing the bear.  He will assist you in burying Sloth.  When that is done, you are his women.  Bring him many sons."

He turned to Tiger's shocked expression, and said, "Don't be surprised, son.  You know this tradition as well as anyone.  It cannot be any other way.  Bury Sloth, then Clover and Aster are yours."

Then, formally, Cave Bear said, "Tiger will you take Clover and Aster as your women?"

Tiger looked at the two women.  Both had been taken in raids on other tribes.  Clover was Sloth’s senior wife, and she was the oldest person in the tribe, at 29.  She was also pregnant.  Aster was very tall, with hair the color of clouds and very pale skin.  She was nearly as old as Clover.  

Tiger looked back at his father.  "They are too old!  They will die before they give me children."

Both the women flushed, but they said nothing.

Cave Bear leaned in close to his son, and spoke into his ear.  "Son, you did a very brave thing today, but you are going to get this entire tribe killed, if you don't learn to think before you speak.  Both these women have had children before, and they both will bear you children.  Whether you know it or not, you need them.  They may be old, but they can teach you what you need to know, if you ever hope to become Chief.  Now, keep your mouth shut, and do your duty by Sloth.  After that, make sure these women never have cause to look at another warrior."

Then he stood back straight and said again, "Tiger will you take Clover and Aster as your women?"

Tiger flushed, and said, "I will."

Cave Bear nodded, then looked over to where Bison lay, and spoke to the gathered tribe.  "Bison also was killed by the bear.  But it killed Bison after Tiger's killing thrust, so his women are inherited by all the warriors of the tribe."

“No!” said Tiger.  “They are mine, too!”

Cave Bear snorted.  "You have Sloth to take care of, remember?  And two wives to feed."

“I can take four more!”

Cave Bear leaned in.  "Once again," he said, "Learn to think before you speak.  It takes time to learn how to manage women.  I will see that you get one of Bison's women, as that is only right, but I have to do what is best for us all.  You have to start thinking like that, too, if you ever want to be Chief when I am gone.  You are going to find it hard enough to manage three women."

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