The meeting.

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William was sitting at a cafe, with Maya on his left knee. She was playing with a Ruby plush and a Weiss plush. He smiled as she played.

???:Is this seat taken?

William looked up and saw a African-American woman wearing a blue suit and red striped tie. He looked around and saw no suspicious vehicles or glints any where.

William: No, you can sit there.

The woman sat down and took out a file for William to see. He picked it up and read the info. He was suprised to see it was about him.

Six: Mr Noon, I would like you to join Team Rainbow to help protect the world from the White Mask. Please?

William: Okay, I'll consider it but my daughter comes with me. The dorm needs to have a kitchen, two beds and a decent bathroom. Also I'm taking my Volkswagen SUV. Understood?

Six: I'll arrange that. Thank you for this Mr Noon.

William:Denada(your welcome)

William then stood up and picked up Maya. She looked at Six and she waved shyly.

William: Say goodbye to the nice lady, Maya.

Maya: Adios Senora (goodbye miss)

Six smiled as William walked away to his car and her drove home. Six stood up and walked to the cirb and flagged down a taxi.

The Next day~

William had packed all the essential things he need for him and Maya, she was jumping up and down ready to go. He picked her up and carried her to the car.

Maya:Papi? Are we going somewhere?

William:Si (yes) we're going to England because Papi has a new job.

May nodded before falling asleep, hugging a Chibi Zwei plush. William put the car into gear and drove to the port to catch the ferry. As he drove up, he bought two tickets to England.

Clerk: Hello sir, welcome aboard the Queen Mary. We'll be in England in 4 hours.

William: Gracias(thank you) *Drives onto ferry, while waving to the clerk*

Clerk: *waves back*Your welcome!

William then looked infront of him,as the waves crash apon one another, he reclined his seat and drifted off to sleep, but he placed earmuffs on Maya. As he slept Maya then began to get out of her seat and crawled over to her father and layed down on his chest.

~Timeskip to port of England.~

The sudden blast of a airhorn woke William up and he groaned as he looked at little Maya,sleeping peacefully on his chest. He slowly sat up and placed her in the seat and drove off the ferry and straight to Hereford.

As he drove up to the base, he studied it in awe as he pulled up to the gate. A Guard then approached him and asked for ID, he gave it to him and the guard let him through. William parked in a open space and got out. He readied a stroller and placed Maya in it carefully,as not to disturb her sleep. He grabbed two duffle bags and a D50 and strapped it to his waist.

Six: Hello Mr Noon,so glad you could come.

William: Thanks for hiring me, Six.

Six: I want you to meet a few of my top operators. They are Lion,Valkryie, Ela, Zofia, Mute and Sledge.

William then turned his head and watched as the operators approached him.

William:*Thought* This is gonna be interesting.

To be continued...

The merciless killer. A Rainbow six seige story.Where stories live. Discover now