Confession of the heart.

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A few months later

William was sitting at a bench, cleaning the armour of Lion's dried blood. Ela was sitting next to him and watched as he carefully cleaned it.

Ela: Hey William, is Maya awake?

William nodded and little Maya ran in and hugged Ela and her father. Ela smiled and so did William.

Maya:Daddy, is she my mommy?

William: Yes, Ela is your mommy. Is that alright with you Ela?

Ela nodded and hugged Maya again. William simply smiled and kept cleaning the armour. Ela then began playing with Maya and William then kissed Ela on the lips, she kissed back with passion and joy.

Ela:I've been waiting to do that for a long time, I guess you love me?

William:I do love you, Maya is gonna need a mother in her live, so you are the best choice for her.

Ela smiled as she kept playing with Maya and William was finishing with his cleaning. Ela was now playing padicake with Maya and she was laughing alot. There was them a knock on his dorm door, he stood up and was met with a hug from six, he hugged her back and smiled.

Six: Iam so glad Maya is awake, we also have a new operater coming in to replace Lion, and I'm sure you know her.

He glanced up and saw it was Samantha Cage, Cassie Cage's mother. She is the more mature version of Cassie, he was close friends with Cassie before she humiliated him and Amelia.


William:Samantha, never thought I'd see you again.

Samantha then looked into his eyes and gasped, they were dull and emotionless. She only saw a soldier ready to do anything to defend and to protect his family. But also a shattered soul.

William:If you'll excuse me, I need to finish cleaning my armour.

William then turned on his heel and walked back into his dorm. Six sighed and escorted Samantha to lion's old dorm. Samantha felt chills going done her spine when she rembers that cold look in his eyes.

Samantha:What happened to you William?

William was now in the gym, lifting weights while Ela was looking after Maya. As this was going on, Samantha was jogging on the treadmill.

The merciless killer. A Rainbow six seige story.Where stories live. Discover now