The Doom Marine's awakening and Lion's death

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(A/n, I was playing some Doom on my PS4 today and decided to do a Doom and Rainbow Six Siege crossover.Warning it gets kinda dark here. This is also William's secret, he is the next Doom Marine)

It has been a month since Maya fell into a coma and William has grown cold. The voice of his lover kept chanting those three words to him, it has gotten to the point were he went out into the woods and to a cave.

He entered it and went deeper into the cave and discovered a tomb like stone box. He used his crowbar and he opened the strange stone coffin. It was a suit of armour(The Doom Marine's armour from the Doom game on PS4 or Xbox 360), it was a strange greyish green and beside it was a double barrel shotgun. He picked up the helmet and saw a symbol on the side he then rubbed his thumb over the visor, flashes of demons and memories fulled his mind, he then woke up seeing the armor on him.

Amelia:You are now The Doom Marine Mi Amor,Rip and Tear your enemies for what they have done to us and our sweet Maya. And show them no mercy.

William simply picked up the shotgun and slung it over his shoulder and walked back to the base. As he approuched it he saw a group of four White Mask soldiers heading his way. He took out the gun and fired at the group, they all became orange and he charged at them.

He grabbed one of them and ripped his head off, the second one he preformed a leg sweep, before bashing him into red mist. The third one he took out a chainsaw that came with the suit and cut him in vertically in half, both sides fell apart. And the fourth one he tore off his arm and bludgeoned him to death with it. Small yellow containers shot out of the corpse and it refilled his ammunition.

Amelia:Yes, show them the monster they created.

William breathed heavily and walked back to Hereford, his chainsaw had no fuel and he also slung it over his shoulder small drops of blood and flesh were still visible on the teeth of the chain. As soon as he opened the door, he took off the helmet and carried it under his arm.

Most of the operators avoided him, along with all the recruits and even Six was intimidated by his new look. The only one brave enough was Ela, she approached him and he smiled, he always smiled for her. He breathed heavily again and Six called him and Ela to the office.

Once he and Ela got there, they saw Lion standing there with a terrified look on his face. Six stood next to Lion with her gun aiming at his head. William adopted a more confused facial expression until Six said the one thing he never expected.

Six:Oliver injured Maya, he beat her so badly she fell into a coma. He was boasting about it to a few of his friends and he even put a video on the internet.

William began breathing more erratically as his anger began to boil. He placed the helmet on his head and approuched Lion with such Rage, everyone felt it. He grabbed Lion by the throat and lifted him off the ground, he gripped his shoulder and tore off Lion's head. Blood spurted onto him and he dropped lion's headless corpse on the ground and he walked away.

No one stopped him they didn't even go to Lions burial. Ela has fallen in love with William....The question is...

Does he love her back?

(A/n:Always hated Lion, guess he got what he deserved.)

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