Chapter 1

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Crowds of demons were watching the 666 news that played on the radio shack as it introduced two demons. One was a female who had short blonde hair, and red eyes with a dark red dress with white earrings, and necklace while the other one was a male who had a face mask on with blonde hair who was wearing a light grey suit with a red tie.

Katie: "Good afternoon! I'm Katie Killjoy!

Tom: "And I'm Tom Trench! Chaos at the pentagram city today is a turf war raging on the west side! Between notable Kingpin's Sir Pentious, And self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse Cherri Bomb!"

Katie: "That's right, Tom! After the recent extermination, many areas are now up for grabs! Demons all over Hell are already duking it out to gain new territory!"

Tom: "Those two seem to really be going at it, huh?"

Katie: "Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that hot spot!"

Tom: "And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot!"

As it showed real footage of the turf war, He wiggled his eyebrows at the camera as he chuckled seductively.

Katie: "You are a limp-dick jackass, Tom! Or should I say..."

She took her mug of hot coffee, and poured it on Tom. His eye's widened as he groaned in pain as he held onto his pants.

Katie: "No dick!"

Tom: "Not again!"

Katie: "Coming up next, We have an exclusive interview with the daughters of Hell's own head honcho, who's here to discuss thier brand new "Passion" project! All that and more after the break!"

Tom was hunching over the table as she literally broke her coffee mug. She turned to Tom as she glared at him while he whined in agony.

Katie: "Suck it up, You little bi-"

As the news went off air, You cringed and hissed in pity, and disgust as you saw Katie poured her hot coffee on Tom's...Well....let's just say the part where the sun don't shine. 'Aw, poor guy' you thought to yourself as Vaggie, Charlie's girlfriend, got you both ready. Vaggie was standing infront of you and Charlie.

She was fixing her bowtie. When she was done, she smiled at her, and went to you to fix your bowtie. She also put on a little, but cute blue diamond hair clip on the side of your hair so that way, demons could tell the difference between you, and Charlie since you both were twins after all. You were wearing a light grey suit similar to Charlie's, But her's was a bright red.

Vaggie had light grey skin with an X over her left eye, long white hair with a pink bow with long ribbons in it. She had a ribbon dress with X's on the front with stripped stockings with dark grey gloves and a dark grey choker. After she was done, she sighed nervously.

Vaggie: "Okay. You two remember what to say?"

You both breathed in and out for a second before you both smiled widely, and said excitingly as you let your happiness out.

Charlie: "Yes!"

Y/N: "Let's do this!"

Vaggie: "Just look at me, and I'll mouth it to you."

Charlie rolled her eyes playfully as she threw her head back and sighed dramatically while you both slumped your shoulders. Vaggie glanced at you both as she placed her hands on her hips as you visibly deflated.

Charlie: "Come on, Vaggie! We know what to say!"

Y/N: "Yeah! But I just feel like we need to...I don't know; make things sound more exciting!"

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