Chapter 3

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He stood tall in front of the both of you. He was a deer demon. He had black, and crimson hair with ears and black antlers, light grey skin with a red monocle over his right eye, and yellow and razor sharp teeth, red dress shirt over a long, ripped at the bottom, but fancy red coat with dark red pants, and black dress shoes. His eyes were closed, but he was still smiling widely. Then they shot open to reveal his blood shot eyes. They were piercing through your soul as you blushed madly. They're almost hypnotizing

???: "Hel-"

But before he could finish his sentence, Charlie slammed the door in front of his face, and looked at you bug eyed. She turns towards the door, and opened it again. He was still there with his finger raised.

???: "Lo!"

Aaaand she slammed the door again. This time she turned her head towards Vaggie.

Charlie: "Hey Vaggie?"

Vaggie: "What?"

She groaned as she held her forehead, She was clearly annoyed. You, and Charlie walked over to them, nervously.

Charlie: "The Radio Demon is at the door!"

She nervously faked a smile, and pointed at the door, indicating that it was actually him as she shifted her eyes back to the door. Hearing this news caused Vaggie's eyes to go wide, and she sat up from the couch.

Vaggie: "WHAT?!"

Angel sat next to Vaggie in one of the table as he gave you a blank look as he popped the popsicle from out of his mouth.

Angel: "The who?"

Charlie looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown as she rubbed her eyes stressfully while you looked back at the door, wondering if he was still there.

Charlie: "What should I do?!"

Vaggie gave her an "obvious" look, and you could tell she was VERY upset, And you knew that it NOT a good thing as Charlie began to shiver in fear.

Vaggie: "Well, Don't let him in!"

You suddenly had a determined look on your face, and you walked towards the door, but Charlie frantically stopped you as she put her hand on your shoulder.

Charlie: "Y/N?! What are you doing?!"

Y/N: "Oh, come on, Sis! If he really wanted and tried to kill us or whatever, Wouldn't he have done that already? Maybe he wants to help us...let's give him a chance. It's only fair."

Charlie, and Vaggie: "WHAT?!"

Before they could continue to stop you, You tuned out their cries, and already opened the door, and surprisingly....He was still there! If it was a regular demon, they probably would have left! And the thing was, he was still grinning! He looked down at you in amusement as he held on to his microphone.

???: "May I speak now?"

You puffed your chest up slightly to make yourself look a little more imitating to him in comparison, but you kept your calm tone. You smiled sweetly at him as you said the next words out of your mouth kindly.

Y/N: "You may. I'm so sorry about what happened earlier, We just wasn't expecting any visitors."

???: "That's quite alright, My dear! Anyways..."

He then offered his hand towards you, but you noticed how his hand was glowing a bright red. It was a bit dim though.

Alastor: "Alastor! Pleasure to be meeting you, Sweetheart! Quite a pleasure!

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