Chapter 5 - The News

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Maya immediately went back home.
She took a walk which was really nice and helped her a lot to consentrate.
She was wearing sweats and had no make-up done but she pulled out her camera.
Vlogging right now would be something very good to do since she couldn't talk to Riley.
She did tell her she is going to her aunt's for a few days as a act.
Maya put the camera on her tripod and then she took a breathe before switching the thing on.

"Hi guys it's Maya. Welcome back to my YouTube channel. If you are new, welcome. My name is Maya Hart and I am super excited to share some amazing news with you guys.
(Pulls out the sonar)
I am pregnant! I found out yesterday and now I actually got back from the hospital with the sonar. I am super excited about it and as a lot of you know I am fourteen, turning fifteen in three months so I am nerves. Me and my mother are excited and tomorrow I will be telling the father. Who knows how he will react since it was, as I had told you guys, just a fling. But as soon as I know how he is acting I'll let you know. I am currently seven weeks and two days. I turn one week every Wednesday and I have no symptoms. Weird. But I will be telling you guys like a list of symptoms as soon as I do get them and I will do like a belly shot for you guys.
(Stand up so you can see stomach.)
As you guys can tell there is no bump yet. You usually start showing at twelve maybe fourteen weeks if you are lucky. So I am still early so no bump yet. I'll update you guys and sorry for not editing it very much. Like it is right now I am just uploading it so you can have it. And that is it for today's video. I will be back probably by Monday or so. I'll update you guys then and then we'll talk. Like and subscribe to my channel. I would love to have you guys here and until the next video. Bye guys."

Maya switched off the camera and immediately put the video on her computer before uploading it.
After she did do that she started to pack since it was getting late.
She just packed two jeans, three shirts, some hoodies, two jackets, socks, underwear, pajamas and a washbag.
Her mom will be taking her tomorrow to Philadelphia and Amy knows she is coming so that is all she needed to do.
She knew her mother would be home late so she just jumped into her pajamas and went to bed.

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