This is for a Role play for my Friend

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I wanna in a role play too StoffyNose

Name: Katy Rogers

Nickname: Kat

Surname: Rogers

Age: 16

Gender: Girls

Sexuality: Biesxual

Personality: Flirty, Kind, Funny, Sweet, and Weird. A bad-ass or rebel it depends on my mood. She is super funny and cusses a lot. She is really flirtatious that's just the way she is.

Looks: Shoulder-length black hair a little wavy, Bright Blue Eyes, Short, Skinny, and a Small Nose.

Tattoos/Piercings: A heart tattoo next to my nose on my cheek and its black. An ear piercing.

Likes: Sweets like A LOT. Food. Having fun. Reading. Listening to music. 

Dislikes: Some food. School.

Backstory: Was bullied in elementary school. Got popular but then became unpopular. Doesn't care about popularity at all. Went to college and met lots of new friends. Now works at a maid bakery. 

Fears: Losing all her friends and family. Being alone with no one.

Can we have a role play now please

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