I Finally Did It!

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The picture is so irrelevant but I hate the top being so blank. I hate having nothing so I got a random picture up there. (back on topic LOL)

Me and my bf got so tired of my ex so we finally reported him for harassment. We tried asking him to leave us alone and even told him to stop talking to us. He just won't stop doing that the follows us, talks to us, and tries to hug me even when I don't want to. He even asked me to ask to go to the bathroom to meet him int he middle of class.
This morning we told someone filled out a form and turned it in! I am so proud fo myself and my bf that we did this. I was so tired of him harassing me! I was so angry with him!

I also am going to Vegas next week! I will miss everyone especially @DanielEvans287 

*kisses for everyone*

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