Opening Up

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I am gonna open up to you all. I probably shouldn't but oh well...

I have been hurt so many times and broken. I thought guys only dated for pleasure and not because they actually liked me. I always closed off from boys and the ones I trust get to know more about me. I try to conceal myself form friends too I have been thrown around too much. I try not to be gullible but it is so hard not to be.

I get hurt way to many times and heart broken. I am so  happy and he's happy too that I finally trusted him enough to date him. I would always say "I am so lonely and want affection." But really I was closing myself off form guys. Then I met him and I finally trust him enough to date him and share secrets with him. When I say "I love you" I actually mean it unlike the others times I said it to other people.

I really hope me and him spend great lives together. I also hope you understand why it's hard for me to open up to you all. I try but after i been broken and hurt it's kinda hard. I know I seem all cheery and adorable but sometimes I get hurt too. I will always be happy unless you really mess with me or make me super angry!

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