Chapter 11

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Y/n L/n's POV

After exiting the restroom, I peacefully made my way back to class with my hands tucked inside my blazer's pockets. Since lunch ended a few minutes ago, the busy hallways were now quiet and empty.

Well, that was what I thought until a sudden foot landed on my side. My back hit the lockers as a grunt escaped my lips.

"Shit..." I mumbled when I saw the dirty mark it left on my clothes.

That kick hurt, but not as much as the ones Ms. IU give me, so standing back up wasn't much of a problem.

Dusting away the footprint on my uniform, I clicked my tongue and glared at whoever attacked me out of the blue.

I wasn't even given the chance to ask what their problem was when a sharp nail poked my shoulder.

"Who the hell do you think you are to get so touchy with a TWICE member?!" A girl yelled while looking down at me with a bitchy face.

Her companions that stood behind her wore the same expression and rolled their eyes when I looked at them. 

"And my Dahyun actually hugged you. Did you manipulate her to do that, huh? What did you do to my Dahyun?!" Another bitch yelled.

"Know your place, you slut!" One of them raised their hand and was about to slap me, but a fuming shout interrupted them.

"What in the world are you doing to an innocent student!?"

Upon hearing the enraged voice, they twisted their necks over to the side and paled when a burning glare tried to melt their eyes out.

I took the distraction as a chance to push them away from me altogether before huffing loudly out of irritation.

I'm used to bullying and physical abuse, but what idiot suddenly kicks someone without warning like that?

At least my previous bullies had the decency to let me know they were around, unlike these bitches who literally popped out of nowhere.

I then moved my gaze to what was making them shake in fear, and was left pleasantly surprised when I saw a familiar face.


My call went inside one of her ears and exited through the other. She was too angry to even hear me saying her name and proceeded to march closer to where we stood.

"Ji- Jihyo! Oh, we were just having a fun chat with our fri- friend here!" The girl who kicked me earlier tried to lie her way out of trouble and pulled me to her side.

She forced me to stay still while swinging an arm over my shoulder. I cringed at the contact and immediately got out of her old after her overly strong perfume stung my nose.

Just by looking at my face, it was clear to Jihyo that I didn't want be an inch near them. She glared even harder and shooed them away as if they were a bunch of pesky flies.

"Scram before I report this to a teacher" She said and they followed, running away one by one like the cowards they were.

Once they were out of sight, Jihyo sighed and turned to me with an apologetic smile. "It's only your first day, and yet you already got dragged into trouble. Are you alright?"

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