Week One

21 4 6

Hey guys,

So this idea was originally going to be scary... But then some event took place in my life and I couldn't get my scary idea back...

I mean, this is kind of scary, but also sad.

Anyway, the line we were given:

You were buried alive in a coma, it was Halloween.

But, I hope you don't mind SiennaWritesAlot

I changed it into an OC instead of the character being referred to as you.




She awoke on Halloween, she was excited for it wasn't just the scary celebration, but it was also her birthday.

Scarlette loved Halloween, she loved the sweets and pulling pranks on this day. Yet, she loved the cakes and gifts received for her birthday. This year, she decided will memorable.

She dressed up as a vampire on this particular night, her pumpkin candy bucket at hand. Scarlette walked to the front door, ready to start trick or treating, but not before spotting her father in the kitchen balcony smoking his seventh cigarette today.

The girl frowned at him, she hated smoking, she always vowed never to do so. She's heard it caused cancer and early death, she was scared. Seeing her father smoke scared her, she didn't want to lose him, but she already did.

Walking through the streets, Scarlette saw one thing, one action, one problem dangerous to every kid trick or treating.

Adults smoking at the front door, on the streets and in the cars nearby. The poor kids having to breathe in that polluted smoke. They only want candy, not pollution.

'Stop... Stop poisoning them.' Scarlette thought as she dropped her empty bucket and ran away to a place no one smokes in: The graveyard.

Scarlette Hunter

The grave read as the body meant to be in there stared back at its rock of words and the red roses planted on the sides.

They buried her alive in a coma, it was Halloween.

Scarlette went into a coma after a medical treatment for her lungs. The lungs that took in the cigarettes smoke. They thought she died, so the buried her alive on her birthday.

Her father smokes on this day, in grief for his daughter's supposed death. She may be in his house, but no one sees her.

To the world, she's dead. To her, she walks the streets on a Halloween night hoping the smoke disappears so kids could freely walk with their buckets full of candy.

Scarlette stood by the grave as she smelt the smoke from the neighbourhood beyond. She let it consume her as it covered her grave from the world.

She was buried alive in a coma, it was Halloween. She was brought back as a vampire watching over the children.

But... The world is cold, the only way to protect those kids is by having a bloody feast. Scarlette grinned revealing her fangs, ready to hunt whoever consumes the poison of early death.


Hope you liked it.

Good Luck!


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