Week Three

14 2 8

Challenge: Write scenes between a couple from the picture the author has given.

Also, I would love to give a big thank you to:


Because, thanks to this weeks challenge, I now have a new story idea. So, these scenes one day could be made into a story.




The little girl sat on top of a stage, her mother was getting some business taken care of. The young girl was staring at the empty chairs that crowd the audience and she wondered how amazing yet nerve wrecking it must be to perform in front of a thousand people.

"Oh, hello!" Spoke a young boy who appeared from backstage. The little girl turned towards him and smiled brightly: "Hello! What's your name?" She asked, smile never faltering.

"My name is Zayn, what about you?" The boy asked back with a smile of his own. The girl answered him: "Nice to meet you Zayn, my name is Liza."

The kids then sat at the edge of the stage, talking away about their interests until Liza had to go home.

He liked singing, she liked dancing.


Liza danced to the song, her legs carrying her across the stage within an empty theatre. Her heart soared, her eyes closed, a smile spread on her face as she danced her worries away.

When the song ended, a voice spoke from her right: "I knew those bullies didn't know what they were talking about."

Liza gasped and looked towards the right as the voice spoke again: "You really are an amazing dancer." When the voice finished, Liza took a look and saw a boy with a familiar smile.

She spoke unsure: "... Zayn..?"

"Hey Liza." He greeted back, reassuring her that it was him, it was Zayn, the boy who loved singing. Liza looked towards his hand and noticed the microphone he held.

The dancer reunited with the singer. And the singer recognised the dancer.


Zayn placed his hand on Liza's waist as she placed her hand on his shoulder. The song started and the friends started swaying, their legs drifted across the stone pavement.

Their eyes sparkled with joy as they let out a few laughs every now and then. Liza soon let her hand drop from Zayn's shoulder as he dropped his hand from her waist. He twirled the dancer as she let out a giggle.

The music carried them, the lyrics filled them up with joy. The melody linked their minds as they danced with perfect sync.

Liza stared back at Zayn's brown eyes through his glasses as he stared at her Hazel ones. The dancing connecting them and making Zayn's crush on Liza grow even more.


"So after that, I accidentally dropped my school bag on my cats tail and I ended up trying to apologise to him for the rest of the week." Zayn told Liza as they ate their ice cream happily. Liza laughed and 'awed' at the same time as Zayn fake pouted, still upset that he hurt his cat.

More time passed and soon Zayn looked towards Liza as she stared back. He spoke, loud and clear:" Yes, I love you Liza." He confessed, his heart clenched with the fear of rejection.

But his hope went up as the girl he lives smiled back at him. She spoke: "Took you long enough."

They started a loving relationship with a melody beating within their hearts. They walked hand in hand as they awaited the future ahead of them as dancer and singer.


Hope you liked it.

Good Luck!


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