Writing Prompt #1

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Has started a new writing book, but this time it's to help give feedback and compliments to other authors. I found this a brilliant idea!

Now, ill do the writing contest and writing prompts in the same book, but with different titles as to help everyone know which is which.

This writing prompt is a picture of four friends shadows in the middle of the street. And because of some ...events that happened in my life, I wrote something a bit different.



Title: Shadows Of Your Emotional Bind (Poem)

The friends everyone has

The friends that follow your road

The friends that hold you till the pain has passed

The friends that laugh at your happy bucket load

When you fake your laugh, they cry out as a reflection

When you cry, they laugh to show the fake perfection

These friends are the shadows that trail on your behind

These friends are the shadows that reflect your emotions

These friends are the Shadows Of Your Emotional Bind

Good Luck!


Writing Contest Entries! (For: SiennaWritesAlot)Where stories live. Discover now