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Yara Shahidi as Iyana Fuli (a.k.a. Yana)

The language (not English) used by characters is fictional. It is not meant to mock any real language.


It was late. The palace was relatively quiet, and the noise of the city began to calm.

Maze walked through the spacious halls of the palace, dragging his feet on the exquisite carpet until he made it to Yana's quarters. He didn't knock, as she was expecting him to come at this hour.

He pushed the door open and was taken back at the scene. Candles were lit all over the room, creating an amorous vibe. Although impressed with her effort, it shook him a little.

Yana was not visible, but he sensed her presence. Assuming she was in her wash room, Maze placed himself on her bed and waited.

"Like what I've done with the place?" Yana emerged with a teasing smirk.

Maze gave her his attention. Instead of responding, his mouth stayed shut. He was speechless at her cloth. The gown exposed her breasts and abdomen in an enticing way. A garment he had never once seen before.

Yana sashayed to him, enjoying the look of utter lust that grew in his eyes.

She straddled him and pulled away the cloth that covered his body. Yana hardly contained her excitement. She longed their personal time, and loved that he always allowed her to run the show. She loved being the only lady he allowed to be intimate with him even more.


"Shh," she placed her finger to his lips then replaced it with her own. "We have been neglecting each other's needs far too long, I've missed you... Tonight, make it up to me and I'll make it up to you..."


A fairly young, timid handmaid entered Yana's room. She gasped when she noticed Prince Deszar and her mistress laying nude, soundly asleep. She didn't expect to find them entwined in bed together.

Usually, Maze would leave before anyone could find the two in that predicament.

She paced nervously before walking over to the bed.

"Lady Fuli," she called out.

Yana stirred awake, awakening Maze in the process. She wiped the sleep from her eyes, and quickly recognized Feye—her handmaid.

"What do you want?" she glared at the girl.

"I apologize for waking you, but Regent Fuli is requesting you—both of you," she swiped a sharp glance at Maze.

"That's King Regent to you," Yana growled. "What does he want?" she groans.

"He has ordered you to get dressed and come to breakfast immediately. I will help you dress, but I suggest we do so rather quickly."


Graed Fuli's solemn expression was impossible to go unnoticed when Maze and Yana claimed a seat at the dining table.

Isaac was missing from his usual seat, causing the pair to dread his absence. Without his presence, there was no humor to dull the room's existing tension.

"I am not happy to have my breakfast delayed because of you."

Graed's brows pulled together in a frown that he'd attempted to hold. His brown eyes shimmered with frustration. Black, curly hair that had been slicked with a greasy substance allowed his crown to sit firmly atop.

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