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Maze watched Yana strut out of the wash room, her emotions showing through each aggressive stride. Her attitude made him worry. He didn't expect her to agree with the marriage and be adamant about it.

He realized refusing was going to be more challenging than he anticipated.

Hylon entered Maze's quarter's in a cheery mood. The day marked the week long celebration of the late King and Queen Deszar.

Maze awoke in a somber mood. Usually, he was excited about celebrating the lives and legacies of his parents.

He allowed Hylon to do his routine pampering of him, before he joined his family for breakfast.

"Morning," he greeted them all.

"I'm surprised you are just rising," Yana stated, beaming at him. He noticed the wicked glint, but ignored it. "You're usually the first to awake on this day."

"I was tired from yesterday," he shrugged.

Maze sat down and began to eat. He felt everyone's eyes on him, but he didn't pay them any mind.

Graed watched the boy he raised with concern. Forcing Maze into a marriage was not something he wanted to do, but had to.

"You didn't stay to hear the date," he commented. Maze glanced up at Graed for a split second then back down at his plate.

"It will take place in the upcoming summer," Graed informed him. "We will announce it to the city today."

Maze stiffened but did nothing more to acknowledge what Graed informed him. With a bit of frustration, the regent sighed. Pruia placed her hand on his as they shared a look before continuing breakfast.


While Maze dressed, Juda arrived. The lady walked into his room with grace and the prideful eyes she always wore when she regarded him. He reminded her so much of her son.

"Handsome," she commented.

"And you, beautiful as always." He kissed her cheek.

"Aw, don't flatter this old woman." She hit his arm playfully. "Are you ready?"

"Are you, bibi?" Maze countered.

This day was more emotional for her than him. He was young when his parents passed, there was not much to be sad about other than the fact he did not get enough time with them.

Juda smiled. "Never. This day is always tough, but I always push on. The joy I get from seeing Ika and Asael celebrated and honored is enough."

"Did you confront Fuli about the marriage?" Juda asked, switching the subject of their conversation.

"I did not. I think I will today."

"While the celebration is going?"

"Yes, bibi. They want to announce it today."

"Today?" Juda didn't expect to hear that. She was going to argue confronting Fuli today, but now she realized it was necessary.

Maze nodded. "The celebration will be starting shortly. It is best I go now."

"Be strong and firm when you tell them, like a king!"

Maze laughed and hugged her. "I will." He kissed his grandmother's cheek. "I will see you shortly."

Maze walked the halls of the busy palace. Mainly the palace workers were running around in a frenzy. He felt for them during this week, they were always restless due to responsibilities.

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