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The royal city was lively.

It was the second day of Deszar week and today citizens were to enjoy the sales of the markets—whether they sought to purchase food, cloth, cattle, or supplies. Merchants sold products at half their usual prices, receiving a plethora of business unlike a regular day.

Oshada's people pervaded the city, all dressed in their best garments and excited to show them off. Some weres even traveled from the sectors to revel in the holiday's luxuries.

Instead of hosting it's own festivities for the day, the palace was quiet. The royals joined the city and engaged their people. Offering silver so common folk may enjoy the sales and generously offering food and supplies. Tonight the theatre were to put on a show at the palace in honor of the late king and queen.

No announcement had been made about Maze's absence to the people, but it did not go unnoticed. Still, the royal city of Oshada celebrated on without him.


Maze gripped his crutches, resting on his uninjured leg while he watched Syla from a distance. She sat on a log, fishing peacefully.

Though he wanted to approach her, he did not want to disrupt the moment. Her head was cocked slightly to the side while she softly hummed a song. A faint smile played on his lips.

Maze could not resist hobbling over any longer. Syla heard the shuffling and turned her attention towards him.

"You're here?" She frowned in question.

When she'd offered him to come with her earlier, he declined—still tired from his slumber.

"I became bored."

"I'm not sure I like you walking this far on your foot," she looked down to his feet with a matter of concern.

"You had not thought about that earlier when you offered me to come along," he chuckled.

"Well, I was being nice."

"I will be fine." Maze sat down next to her, continuing to watch her fish.

He was somewhat mesmerized. Seeing a woman do work like Syla was not normal to him. Sure, he witnessed maids and servants doing labor, but he considered hunting and fishing to be skills meant for men. Though, being royal, he had never done it himself despite being taught it.

"Who taught you all of this hard work?"

"Hard work?" She questioned, although she knew what he meant. "You mean life skills."

Maze chuckled" You hunt and fish... Are you good with a sword too?"

"Are you asking to find out?" she smirked, raising her brow.

"I'm not so sure, I have a feeling the outcome may not be in my favor." Maze fueled her tease.

She giggled. "My father taught me everything that I know. I can fight, and also build. He wants me to lead too but..." she answered, the confidence in her tone diminishing.

"Although he has my brothers, he groomed me to be alpha."

"But you are not alpha yet," he frowned. An heir her age would have already accepted their role.

A Prince's Awakening Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora