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"You are telling strangers like him about me and my brothers?" he questioned disapprovingly. Beaux made it evident he shared their father's feelings about royals.

"Urgh," Syla groaned, rolling her eyes as she did. "What do you want? Why are you here?"

"To search for my sister who abruptly disappeared. I'm glad I have because she apparently likes to house cunning strangers."

Maze wanted to strike Beaux's face for being disrespectful towards him. Though, like Syla reminded him, he was not in the palace anymore. He was not Oshada's prince unless he or someone else deemed it true.

"I am perfectly fine. Go back and mind your own matters, Beaux, and stop being rude!"

Syla blew out an annoyed breath. Bickering with her father was why she had left and there her brother was bringing it back to her.

"You and Papa must have clashed hard this time?"

Syla refrained from cursing at her sibling. Talking about she and her father's argument was not what she wanted to do but such worry protruded his voice.

"Aye, we did, but I don't want to discuss it."

"If it was about the same matter as always, Sy, I blame you. You are so stubborn."

"Keep your lips together," she glared. "I said I do not want to discuss it."

"Fine. Why don't you come back to Wotina tonight. Come and celebrate at least for a day."

"I do not care for it."

"Please," he begged and walked over to take a place at her side. "You have been out here for days. The sight of trees has not tired you yet?"

"Beaux, leave me, please. I have no interest in festivities for tonight."

"See!" Beaux threw his hands up. "Stubborn, as I said."

"God!" she exclaimed. "If it will please you, I will come on the last day. Moon Night is the most fun anyway."

Moon Night—named for it being the beginning of a full moon on the last day of Deszar week was Maze's favorite. All of Oshada released lanterns after night fall and watched them float to the heavens. He saw it as the most honoring of his parents.

Beaux laughed, at times he found it humorous to frustrate his sister. He and his brothers loved her to an everlasting extent; she was not only their sibling that they could enjoy fun times with, but a motherly figure that scolded and guided them when times compelled.

Beaux's laughter died down once he sighted Maze again. "Why are you here if you're a scouter? Should you not be out looking for the prince?"

Both Syla and Maze stilled. They took a sharp glance at one another but only held their gaze for a short time. "What are you speaking of?" Syla asked.

"Papa received information from the bridge. The palace guard has been out in the forests searching for Prince Deszar. Shouldn't you know that, scout?"

Maze shook his head. "I was injured yesterday from falling from a cliff. Syla found me unconscious."

"I brought him here to help him; he has been with me since."

Beaux raked his eyes over Maze, acknowledging the bandage on his head and wrap on his foot. Although skeptical, Beaux decided to believe their story. "Hm, perhaps you couldn't have known then."

"Has your father heard anything else?" Maze asked. Though aware of his privileges, he did not expect the guard to have come after him in such haste.

"No, but since they cannot search here as they please, I'm sure they have already hit Guirem. They're probably at four now."

"And the news has surely spread," Syla commented. Her words came out in more of a mumble, but the men heard her.

No longer was their tension in the air, and she was glad for it. However, it dawned on her that Maze had not tricked her. He was indeed the prince.

Silence passed and Beaux pinned the quirky expression that Maze and his sister held.

"Well, if you are content here, I will go." He stood, Syla rising with him. They hugged each other—Beaux with a protective grip around his sibling.

"Do not tell Papa that I am here, he thinks I'm still in the Between lands. I am serious, Beaux." Syla was sure to show her brother a grave expression. Beaux nodded, respecting her request.

"Oh, and tell Rahim and Jacob not to come here or I will hurt them!" Syla demanded.

Beaux showed her a mischievous grin, causing her to roll her eyes. Knowing her sibling, he'd likely encourage their brothers to come anyway.

"You two reminded me of the Fuli's," he chuckled.

"How is that dynamic? I know you were raised by their parents. Do you see them as siblings?"

"Yes," he nodded. "Although my relationship with Iyana is...different."

If he were talking to any other were, Maze would not disclose such personal information. However, he trusted Syla as odd as it seemed.

"Different." Syla repeated that word and did so mostly to herself. She understood what "different" meant but could not understand why she felt a tinge of jealousy.

Silence passed them. Syla was stuck in her ill thoughts about the "princess." The jealousy she felt was unwavering. Maze observed the stubborn frown on her face. He wondered what he had said to make her go quiet.

He limped over to her on one of his crutches. He reached out and touched her shoulder. Syla jumped at his touch. The daze she had been in was interrupted.

She suddenly grinned at him. "You are really Oshada's prince."

Maze grinned along with her. "How crazy is that, right?"

Syla giggled but soon stopped when she thought back to him mentioning his relationship with Yana. It placed a horrible taste on her tongue. The need to address it was overwhelming.

"So, you and the Fuli girl are mates?" she asked. "How come the kingdom doesn't know this already?"

If he were swallowing something Maze would have choked. It was highly inappropriate for Syla to refer to Yana as "Fuli girl," but she did not care. Even in the presence of Oshada's prince, she felt comfortable enough to speak as she pleased. Maze should not have, but he found it amusing.

"Actually, we are not."

Though Syla was greatly pleased by his answer, she pretended to be unphased by the information.

"What about you?" he asked.

"What about me?"

"Are you courting someone?"

"Eh, no, but I once have," she shrugged. "I was in teen years. He found his soulmate and left me in the dust, crushing my heart in the process." She laughed, recalling how devastated she was when she was broken up with. "It was smart of me not to bed him or I may have thrown myself into the Oran out of despair."

Maze internally relaxed. If her answer were different, he would not have liked it.

He chuckled at her statement. "You are funny, Syla." Maze's compliment caused her to blush.

Fascination showed in her eyes as her cheeks rose. She stood up, nearly matching his height. "And you have a way about you, Prince Mazikai. I'll admit, it is swaying me."

The prince didn't expect those words to leave her lips. They both flattered and excited him. He felt the emotions of his animal stirring within, and he could imagine its tail swinging if he was in form.

"Oh, is that true?" he smirked.

"Aye, it is. Now, shall we go fetch some more water?"


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(1,261 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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