Toothpaste Cap

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Superman: "Uh, Emmet, you have a wrench, right?"

Emmet: "Yeah..."

Superman: "Well, my X-ray vision says that the cap Unikitty dropped down the sink a few days ago (which I know about because Batman was explaining what happened before) is through this wall. You can unscrew the plumbing before someone starts the sink again, grab the cap, and get out! It got stuck on the roof of the pipe."

Emmet: "Alright. Time to make a cap rescue."

Superman: *lasers hole in wall big enough for Emmet to enter*

Emmet: "You better fix this once I get through! Freeze it to the wall once I come back out or something!"

Superman: "Okay."

*Emmet dives in*

Emmet: "Is this the pipe Supes?"

Superman: "Yes. That is the pipe."

Emmet: *unscrews pipe*

Superman: "Also, someone may have frozen the door shut early."

Emmet: "WHAT?"

Superman: *whistles suspiciously*


Superman: "The ice isn't unbreakable, just bang on it with your wrench."

Emmet: "Yeah, I am gonna bend the wrench I need to get the dang toothpaste cap and escape."

Superman: "Green Lantern can use a construct to free you..."

Emmet: "Alright. I grabbed the cap and screwed the pipe shut again. Now can you let me out?"

Superman: "Fine...Hey GL, Emmet needs help here."

Green Lantern: "Got it best bud!" *uses fist construct, hits Emmet in the process*

Emmet: "Ow..."

Green Lantern: "Sorry..."

Emmet: "My face hurts."

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