Fairground(Part 1)

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*in Emmet's car, with Wyldstyle and Batman on the Super Cycle, President Biz and Good Cop in the Super Secret Police Dropship, and Benny and Unikitty on the spaceship Benny built on the day of the picnic, and Superman and Green Lantern flying behind them all*

Benny: "Fairground! Fairground! FAIRGROUND!"

Unikitty: "I love the games and rides!"

Wyldstyle: "I like the snacks they have."

Emmet: "EVERYTHING in the Fair is awesome!"

Batman: "I'm just going because I heard they made a roller coaster themed by me."

Superman: "I like breaking the Test Your Strength game. I do it every time..."

Green Lantern: "I hear you best bud!"

Superman: "Can someone whack him with a Sinestro Corps hammer? I can't take his endless yammering!"

Unikitty: "You just gotta stay positive and you can sit through almost ANY long conversation!"

Superman: "Good luck with that, unicorn kitten. You take him."

Unikitty: "YAY!"

Green Lantern: "Alright best bud! See you later!"

Superman: "I am right behind the car."

Emmet: "That's my car!"

Superman: "Oh."

*they part at the fairground entrance*

Gate keeper: "Master builders? YOU GUYS ARE LEGENDS! Can I get your autograph? You guys can just walk right in, don't worry about tickets!"

Batman: "Uh...Thanks..."

Emmet: "AWESOME!"

Wyldstyle: "This is gonna be good..."

Benny: "Thanks!"

Unikitty: "I'll do an autograph for you!"

Gate Keeper: "GREAT! Just sign the whole booth, we are open year around and I always run this booth and *keeps talking for an hour, holding up the group*"

Unikitty: "YAY!" *signs the booth, walks through the gate with the others*

Batman: "How did you stay positive through that?"

Unikitty: "I am very cheerful!"

Benny: "I actually stayed positive too! Unikitty was right!"

Unikitty: *smiles at Benny*


Author's Note


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