Fairground(Part 2)

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Emmet: "What should we do first?"

Batman: "Despite all that guy's mumbling, since we got here early, it's another hour until the rides and games start opening."

Benny: "Then let's hit some food!"

Good Cop: "I have just noticed I have not been helpful at all until now. We can start with the gift shop!"

Unikitty: "YAY!"

Batman: "Gift Shops are just to lure stupid people into buying things they don't need. Wait, where did they go?"

Unikitty, Benny and Bad Cop: *inside gift shop*

Batman: "Ugh..." *heads inside*

Emmet: "I wonder if they have any T-shirts? I am getting tired of just wearing my construction uniform all the time."

Wyldstyle: "I bet they have some cool hoodies!"

*they both run in at the same time*

Wyldstyle: *checks out the hoodies*

Emmet: *at the bobbleheads*

Batman: "Hmm..." *heads to movie rack, picks up a Batman movie*

Unikitty: "I have a ton of novelty hats! YAY!"

Good Cop: "This drink hat is mine!"

Emmet: "I got a bobblehead of Superman! Awesome!"

Wyldstyle: "I got a cool hoodie!"

*a half an hour of buying stuff at a gift shop later*

Emmet: "I'll go get these into the cargo hold on Benny's spaceship."

Wyldstyle: "Those are heavy, I should help."

Emmet: "Thanks."

*they both walk away carrying 2 tons of hats and lamps and other things*

Unikitty: "Are the games open yet?"

Batman: "Not yet...Besides the Balloon Pop."

Unikitty: "My favorite game!"

Benny: "Mine too!"

Unikitty: *blushes*

Unikitty: *tosses dart, it misses*

Benny: "Too bad this is only one shot..."

Unikitty: *sad*

Benny: "Don't worry, I'll win for you."

Unikitty: "Really?!" *happy again*

Benny: "Sure. Aiming blasters gives me good practice at darts!"

Unikitty: "THANK YOU!" *hugs Benny*

Benny: *blushes, then tosses dart, hits one*

Balloon Pop Worker: "Hmm...LARGE!"

Unikitty: *grabs unicorn* "Thanks Benny!"

Benny: "You're welcome, Unikitty."

*a half an hour later, Emmet and Wyldstyle get back to them*

Emmet: "Hey Unikitty, I see you won a prize!"

Unikitty: "Nope! Benny won it for me!"

Benny: "Yep!"

Emmet: "Nice! You seem to have gotten a large!"

Unikitty: "Yep!"

Benny: "Aiming blasters makes it easier to aim darts."

Emmet: "You have to teach me to do the blaster thing, I always lose at the dart game!"

Wyldstyle: *sarcastic* "That's a good idea, like making Unikitty angry."

Emmet: "You are being sarcastic aren't you?"

Wyldstyle: *still sarcastic* "What gave you the clue?"

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