Around the World

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The next day, Mickey, Oswald, White Fang, Minnie, Ortensia, Sedrick, and Alexander were watching a movie until a fire appeared in the map. Sedrick look at the map and saw that Sombra and Mortimer are heading to the wizards meeting. So Sedrick zapped him and the Hood Brothers to the wizards meeting. When they arrive, Mortimer was about to use his evil magic to destroy Mickey but the wizards stopped them. The head wizard told them that each of them have a mission.'he told them that they have to go around the world in 80 days. So Sedrick and the Hood Brothers started their journey around the world on feet and using rides that are fast while Mortimer and Sombra decided to start their journey by flying. They have traveled different places in 30 days which leaves them 50 days left. When Sedrick and the Hood Brothers were on a train that will take them to Africa, they saw that the train tracks stop, so they decided to ride on an elephant instead. When they were passing through a village, they saw that there is going to be a wedding in the village and went to check it out for a while to see who is getting married. They saw a king waiting for his bride to come who turns out to be a she wolf princess named Aleena. When White Fang saw Aleena, he started to have feelings for her, and Oswald and Mickey notice that their brother has finally found his crush. The guards were forcing Aleena to get closer to the king, and Aleena told the king that he doesn't want to marry him. Mickey and Oswald told White Fang that it's time to move on, but White Fang told them that they can't leave yet because they have to save Aleena. White Fang went out to save Aleena, which made his brothers and Sedrick wondering where he went. White Fang hide inside a barrel so he can get closer to Aleena without people noticing him. When he got Aleena's attention, she ask him who is he? White Fang told her that he's a friend and offered her a hand. When she grabbed his hand, White Fang pulled her inside the barrel and started to run as fast as he could whiteout the guards catching up to him. When Mickey, Oswald, and Sedrick were looking for White Fang, they saw him in a barrel with the princess and being chase by guards. So they took down the guards, grabbed White Fang and Aleena, and got on the elephant to continue their journey. Aleena thank White Fang for saveing her and started to have feelings for him and White Fang started to blush knowing he has found his crush. Aleena ask him where are they going? White Fang told her that they are going around the world in 50 days. Meanwhile, Sombra and Mortimer thought that they are going to win because they are riding on Spooked to fly, but what they didn't know is that flying was a bad idea because they had to go throw bad weathers and they still are. But they keep hoping they would win. Back home Minnie and Ortensia started to worry about their husbands and when they heard someone knocking on the door, they thought that their husbands has return. But notice it was Daisy at the door, so they let her in. Daisy ask Minnie where is Mickey and his brothers? Minnie told her that Mickey send her a letter saying that he and his brothers are going around the world in 80 days. Daisy didn't believe that Mickey is going around the world in 80 days, because he has never been on a journey that long and started to think that Mickey wants to leave her or he is cheating on her, so she acted like she believes in Minnie and ask her and Ortensia if they would like to shopping with her and they agree, while Alexander and the lion watch a movie. Meanwhile the Hood Brothers and Sedrick continued their journey around the world with their new friend Aleena, and used different kinds of machines that different people use as a drive. Mickey and Oswald started to think less and less about winning and more and more about their wives, and White Fang started to think less and less about winning and more and more about Aleena. For their two days around the world, they used a crew ship to get on time, what they didn't know is that Sombra and Mortimer are in the ship too. When everyone was a sleep, White Fang and Aleena decided to get some fresh air together and look at the stars. White Fang told her that she can live with him, his brothers and their wives and when Sombra is defeated, he will take her to a fancy restaurant and even go dancing. Aleena told him that it sound so romantic. White Fang was happy to here that she likes his ideas and they were about to kiss until Sedrick, Mickey, and Oswald came with some bad news. Sedrick told White Fang that some got rid of the cold (aka that person was Sombra and Mortimer). White Fang couldn't believe that they won't be able to be on time, until he realized that there are woods in the boat. So he, his brothers, Aleena, and Sedrick use the woods to make the ship go faster. The next day, the Hood Brothers, Sedrick, and Aleena had only three hours left to get on time and so did Sombra and Mortimer. The head wizards were counting the time to see if one of the team will get their on time. And both of the teams arrived in the right time and they started to fight to see who will get the award. The head wizard told him that he has another test for them, that they will have to escape the other world for one day and the winner will get the award. So he use his magic to send the Hood Brothers, Sombra, and Mortimer to the other world. Sedrick and Aleena couldn't believe that that their friends are stock in the other world so they went back home to find away to save their friends. After Sedrick introduce Minnie, Alexander, the lion, and Ortensia to Aleena, he told him what had all happened. Minnie and Ortensia were upset because their husbands are stock in the other world but they believe that Sedrick will find away to save them.

To be continued

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