The Other World

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When the Hood Brothers, Mortimer, and Sombra were in the other world. They saw that it was very different from their world and the people look very young. Mortimer blame Mickey for him being trapped in the other world and tried to hit him but couldn't. Mortimer and Sombra decided to find another way to get back home. The Hood Brothers decided to go and find someone for help. When they saw a caffe place they decided to have a drink. And when they were about to order they saw that it was their parents. Mick, Oswald, and White Fang were happy to see their parents again that they shared a hug. They told that they have received their inheritance and their greatest adventure. Then Mickey realized that since they are reunited with their parents, that means that they are dead and both of them were shock. Mickeys father told him that is correct and how he and his brothers likes the house and how are the artifacts doing. White Fang remembered the time he and his brothers were about to sale something so he yelled nothing is missing. Oswald then ask his father how he, his wife, and his brothers parents knew that they were the direct descendants of the first Hood Brothers? Oswald's father that it's a good question. So he, his wife, and Mickey and White Fangs parents told them what had happen. They told them that before Mickey, Oswald, and White Fangs father became royal musketeers, they used to travel around the world with their wife's in places that they have never been before. They even discover artifacts that they have never seen, until they realized that those artifacts belong to their ancestors the first Hood Brothers. The were about to send it to the museum, but when they met Mortimers mom, they realized she is a mouse who betrays peoples trust. So they decided to keep the artifacts in a secret place and study more about their ancestors. White Fangs father told them that they found a staff with a lock and tried everything they could to open it. Mickey told him that he and his brothers opened it. Their parents were shock and ask what was in it? White Fang told them not what, who. Meanwhile back home, Sedrick was still figuring out a way to save the Hood Brothers. Minnie told him to take her, Ortensia, Aleena, and him to the other world. Sedrick notice that Minnie's idea wasn't a bad idea. He then used his staff to show some pictures of history. He told them that the lake of the other world is were people go to the other world. So they all went to the lake to the other world to find the Hood Brothers. When the Hood Brothers were having fun with their parents, Mickey remember that he and his brothers have to find a way to go back home. Oswald ask his mother if there's away to escape the other world. His mother told him that the only way out is through the tunnel of the living world and they have to get their before the moon rise or they'll be stuck in the other world forever. So they started to travel along with their parents to get back home. When they have arrived, Sombra and Mortimer started to attack them along with their ancestors. So the Hood Brothers started to fight along with their parents, until Sedrick, Minnie, Ortensia, and Aleena came to the rescue. Sedrick used his magic to slow down Mortimers ancestor. Mickey introduce Minnie to his parents, Oswald introduce Ortensia to his parents, and White Fang introduce his parents to Aleena. The Hood Brothers parents were so proud of them for finding their true love, then they say goodbye and gave a hug to them as they enter the tunnel. The Hood Brothers, Sedrick, Minnie, Ortensia, and Aleena were able to leaves in time, but Mortimer and Sombra were stuck in the other world. When the Hood Brothers arrived in time, the head of the wizards congratulated them and gave them their swords that belong to their ancestor as an award. The Hood Brothers were great full, and promise to use their swords for good.

To be continued

The Legend of The Hood BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora