Chapter 5

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"Where do you want me to start?" I ask.

"The beginning would be preferable" said Pulse.

The plane hit a little turbulence and shuck from side to side, giving me a small flashback of the plane ride to Brazil. I was sitting next to the window with a view of the wing. I had read online that the wing part of the plane was the safest place on a plane. Someone had brought onboard a baby and it hadn't stopped crying for the past hour. Jax had somehow fallen asleep next to me.

That situation seemed similar to the one I was in now. Minus the crying baby, but the feeling of starting a new chapter of my life was exactly the same. The other operators crowded around Jax and I, waiting for me.

"Well, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you've all seen the aftermath of the earthquake" I said.

"Yes, of course we did" came from one of the operators.

"How did you survive that?" asked Twitch.

"Guardian" was my simple answer.

"Makes sense"

The plane was filled with silence for about two minutes. The operators starting taking turns asking me questions on what had happened. My brain blacked out and I stared awkwardly at everyone while partially listening to the insane amount of questions.

It all stopped suddenly when Guardian activated the mental link, forcing everyone in the vicinity to shut up.

'Let her breath, for fucks sake' she said.

The operators visibly backed off, their questions dying on their lips. I could tell they were a bit taken aback by Guardian's reaction.

'Amelia, why don't you just explain from your point of view after the earthquake' said Guardian.

Someone whispered 'yes, please' but I wasn't paying attention to them anymore. I was more focused on Jax and his reaction to all this. It didn't seem like he cared anymore. The passive expression on his face clearly said he had given up and wouldn't fight in this situation.

I looked back towards the operators and started sifting through my memories.

"The earthquake was all my doing. The cave was somehow laced with a special rock that messed with my powers, but the electric current from the teasers somehow bypassed that and gave me some of my powers back. I managed to get enough magic to start a fire and an earthquake at the same time. The earthquake destroyed the whole base and the fire scorched the bodies of the idiots trying to taze me"

Now that I think about it, what happened to all the other people in the cave? Did they die?

'No. They all ran out of the cave in time and took the vehicles outside the base to get to safety' explained Guardian.

'That's good then'

"I thought I had died after the ceiling collapsed, but Guardian managed to create shields for both me and Jax. That's how we survived. After we took a couple minutes to get ourselves oriented in the rubble, we managed to make our way to the warehouse with the tunnel in it. The car was still in there, so we took it. Turns out, there was some cash in the back, maps and enough gas to get us to a city. We didn't know what we wanted to do just then, but we were both too scared to try to contact Rainbow. It's not like we knew how anyways" I said.

"After a while, we both decided to leave the country and the first flight available was to Salvador, so we took it. The flight cost us the car, but we still had the bit that was in it. Once we arrived there, Guardian started directing us to a safer part of town. It took us a day of waking before she told us to stop. Apparently the town we stopped at was very friendly. Within a week, we got jobs and started getting the correct currency to buy a decent apartment" I continued.

"How did you get on a plane without a passport?" asked Ash.

"Apparently Guardian can make legal documents out of thin air. The only downside is the amount of power it takes to do it. Since we had to wait a day for our plane to get to the airport, I could sleep and regenerate the power that was lost" I explained.

'You still need to learn all that you can do' said Guardian.

'To bad someone doesn't want to share their secrets with me. Besides, I know how to control the elements, that should be good enough' I said.

The operators seemed to take in all the information in their own way. Glaz was pacing back and forth down the aisle while most of the others just sat on nearby seats. Only Twitch and Sledge were still crowded around me.

'It's progress' said Guardian.

"What's with all the guns and money then?" asked Pulse.

"We bought illegal guns with the rest of the American money. It was only for defence purposes. It was entirely Guardian's idea, I swear. The money came from the jobs we did. We found out pretty quickly that the neighbouring neighbourhoods weren't quoit crime free. At first, it was just a couple rumours about someone causing trouble but then it escalated. There were kids turning up dead mysteriously. I knew we had to do something about it, so we did. We took it upon ourselves to stop it. Turns out there was a silent gang war going on, which made things a little bit more interesting. We went out a couple nights a week to check up on the criminals, sometimes interfering with their stuff sometimes taking some of their stuff" I said.

"You've gotta be kidding me" said Ash. "You know BOPE was taking care of that, right?"

"Oh yeah. We almost ran into them a couple times. Still doesn't mean we would have backed off" I said.

A small chuckle sounded off nearby.

"That's the whole story up until now" I said.

A sudden yawn made me take notice of how tired I was. It has been a long day, now that I think about it. With all that running around, driving, flying and explaining I had done, I was done with this day.

'Oh damn, we left the motorcycle' I thought.

'You'll get a new one' said Guardian.

'I hope so'

"Aright lads and lasses, let's give her some rest" said Sledge.

And with that, story time was over. Everyone was in a seat, either muttering to their neighbour or doing their own thing. I looked over at Jax and noticed he was asleep. It didn't take me long to fall asleep as well and this time, I wasn't knock out by Guardian.

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