Chapter 1

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** Picture of the new house**


Brie's POV


How I hate rich people and their big ass houses! Thinking about it just brings out the worst in me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no monster but me being the way I am and the life I’ve lived so far ,I don’t think I have a very good history with these rich people and their sophisticated lifestyles.

But who am I to talk when I’m standing here, right in front of this very neatly polished and beautifully carved big fancy main door to my new foster home. Yes, you guessed it right! I’m an orphan. I’m waiting here so that my new foster parents open the door to greet me inside.

On my way here to the main door, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful garden surrounding this house. All the flowers of different colors blooming to their full glory. The garden was very systematically organized with a beautiful fountain in the middle of it. The fountain was something like a man pouring water downwards. It looked a little funny but at the same time gave a nice look to the garden.

I don’t know what is taking them so long to open this damn door. What if they don’t want me? What if they are planning to chase me? What if they turn out to be exactly like my last foster home? All these questions desperately mosey their way into my mind when all of a sudden a bell rings in my brain telling me that they have not yet opened the door for me because I have still not rung the bell to notify them of my presence .

I mentally curse myself for letting my imagination get the best of me yet again. I mean I can’t really blame myself for this anxiety though because it’s not like I’ve had any great experiences in the years gone by. Nevertheless I’ve made a promise to myself that henceforth, I won’t let my past come in between my future and ruin it ,even though I find it very difficult to believe myself.

Sighing I ring the bell and like after a good five seconds the big fancy door flies open and I’m engulfed in a very bear like embrace by a woman whom I’m assuming is my new foster mother. A slight smile creeps on my face at her excitement and I shift uncomfortably in her embrace. She finally realizes that she was squishing me, and gently let’s me go from her embrace. She seems sweet but my gut instinct soon gets in the way warning me not to get too close or easily attached to someone so quickly.

Not knowing what to say or do further I have all of a sudden found great interest in the charms of my bracelet that  I’ve worn for as long as I remember while the lady carefully assesses my whole appearance. After a good three minutes of awkward silence between us which according to me was as good as an hour, she finally  introduces herself to me. “ I’m Lily Hayes, your new foster mother.” She says this with toothy smile and she continues, “U can call me ‘Mom' if u want….”. Seeing me feel a little uncomfortable her next words came out in a quick stance, "or not.”. I looked into her eyes n saw a hint of disappointment run through her because I’ve not yet uttered a single word to her.

I have to admit I felt bad for her, so I finally decided to open my mouth," Hi Mrs. Hayes, I’m Briella". She finally smiled at me, happy that I finally opened my mouth. She moved aside to allow me to enter her house. I looked around to take a good view at the house and I must admit that this house is to big for my liking.

Not knowing where exactly I should be going, I stand there awkwardly. I guess Mrs. Hayes noticed my edgy halt. She was about to say something but someone else beat her to that. I took my time to notice this new woman standing in front of me. She seemed to be a bit older than Mrs. Hayes, roughly around the age of 50. She was a bit plump and has a lot of freckles around her nose area. She greeted me with a very wide smile.

She introduced herself, “Hi honey, I’m Cara.” The smile never left her face. She must have noticed that I was still confused as to who she was, so she told me, “ I’m the housemaid.” I smiled at her and introduced myself.

Mrs. Hayes then led the way into the house. We walked through a small corridor, it had a few paintings hanging on the walls. I noticed that all the paintings hanging were a pure definition of aesthetic. Guess these people have a great taste of art.
The corridor led us to a huge living room with expensive furniture neatly arranged around it. I didn’t realize Mrs. Hayes had stopped walking until I felt myself dash into someone. I looked up sheepishly smiling to find her already smiling. I then realized that she was taller than me, maybe around two to three inches taller. “ Have a seat hon, I’ll be back with Mr. Hayes”. When she was almost out of the door, she stopped and turned towards me with a smile, “Sweetie, what would u like to have?”. “I’ll have a glass of water.” She gave me a nod and walked out of the room.

After almost a minute Cara enters the room with a glass of water for me. She served it to me and I thanked her. She watched me till I finished it. I handed it back to her with a smile on my face. Omg! I think this is most number of times that I’ve ever smiled in years. Cara was still standing there, “ You look very pretty, dear. But why do I feel there is more to that face of yours than what you show ?”.  I was shocked. I mean was what I have been through in the past written all over my face!? I was utterly speechless. And just in time Mrs. Hayes enters the room with a man who I’m guessing is Mr. Hayes. The man was tall like about 6ft., muscular and pretty much had a good physique. He had his arm wrapped around Mrs. Hayes’s waist. “ Sweetie, this is my husband, Mark.” I looked at the man and we greeted each other. The man gave me a nice cheeky smile and pulled me into a hug.

After all the meet- and- greet ,I was then shown to my room by Cara. My room was exceptionally  big with a big king size bed in the center of the room.


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