Chapter 3

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** Picture of Briella **


Brie's POV

Two hours later I was finally awake from my deep peaceful slumber, by something, someone to be more specific rigorously trying their best to wake me up. I opened my eyes, glaring annoyingly at the said person only to find Cara beaming at me with a smile so bright on her face that I'm left wondering how she has managed to keep her eyes open at the same time.
" I see that you don't like to be woken up from your sleep....", she said this with a slight chuckle. " but Sweetie it's 11 a.m. and you just can't be sleeping the entire day."

" Well I love my sleep. Thank you very much, Cara!", I sarcastically replied. She began laughing. I swear this woman can go laughing and smiling the entire day without any hesitation.
"C'mon Brie, stop being so lazy and get up. I'm here to give you a tour of the house."

" Ok!", was all I replied as I slouched with disappointment from being woken up.

I stood up from the bed and let Cara lead the way. "Would you like to start from downstairs or upstairs itself?", she asked. Since we were already upstairs I agreed for it.

She then began walking towards the right from my room and I followed her. We had reached another room almost ten steps from my room when Cara halted and I did the same. She pushed open the door and began talking. "This is a spare room so there's nothing much too it." I took my time to look around the room and noticed that it was almost similar to my room but it was more of a Male's room.

We then soon exited the room and headed further. Cara then showed me the house gym which to be honest I was surprised to see. I mean this is my first time seeing what a gym looks like even if it's in a house. The thing is my past three foster homes were not exactly this big. To be more precise, those families weren't exactly rich. They were neither poor but you get what I'm trying to imply here.

I took a good look around the gym and since I was curious I turned to Cara and asked her, " Who works out here?"
" Just Mr. Hayes." She replied. ' So that explains his physique.', I thought to my self.

" But feel free to use the gym, now that you're a part of this family", she stated with a smile on her face. The latter part of that sentence seemed so foreign to my ears but I kept my emotions in check.

Since those were all the rooms upstairs, we then headed downstairs. I was already familiar with the sitting room so Cara lead the way to a huge door which when opened, turned out to be a big library.

 I was already familiar with the sitting room so Cara lead the way to a huge door which when opened,  turned out to be a big library

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The room was in the shape of Pentagon with books stacked up right from the ceiling to the floor. On the left side of the room there was an office table with a recliner chair behind it. " This is Mr. Hayes' office as well as a library.", Cara informed. I replied with a short " Oh". On the right side of the room was a huge sofa set with a coffee table in front of it. Well, I guess this will be my most frequently visited room if I last long enough in this house.

I was then shown the T.V. room and the laundry room. I then followed Cara to another room which was the master bedroom. Cara knocked twice on the door announcing our arrival. The door was pulled open by Mrs. Hayes who had a wide smile on her lips.

"Hi", I said.

" Hi honey. C'mon in." Mrs. Hayes moved aside to let me in. As I entered I realized that this room too like every other room in this house was excessively huge. I walked straight in to find Mr. Hayes leaned up to the headrest of the bed reading a book. He looked up from his book and smiled at me.

" Hi honey. How has your stay here been so far?", he asked me.
"Its been great.", I replied a bit shy.
"Well that's good to hear.", he stated.
Mrs. Hayes returned back inside after having a mini conversation with Cara. She took my right hand in hers and lead me towards the sofa in the room. Mr. Hayes too was up and out of the bed, and he came and sat on one of the single seated sofa.

'Well this is awkward', I thought to myself. There was an awkward silence before Mrs. Hayes finally spoke.
" Briella, honey, I hope you're happy here. We were told at the Sister's home that you've had a rough past. I know it's hard to adjust in this new environment and we know that it will take you some time. We are more then willing to give you all the time you need. Don't worry, we won't be asking anything about your past life. Trust me when I say this neither Mark nor I like talking about the past. You see we believe more in what our present is and what our future holds for us.

We will try our best to make you feel comfortable around here. You can always, without any hesitation, that is, ask us what you need and tell us what you don't. If we make a mistake please be considerate as this is our first time as parents. And the main important thing that we want you to know is that we will always love you the way you are."
I listened to each word that she spoke carefully. This is actually my first time hearing someone be so kind to me in every way. Something within me stirred up and I, at that moment, just wanted to hug her and tell her how grateful I am to just hear her say those words but my mind was ten steps ahead of my heart, telling me not to get too attached. It was then Mr. Hayes who spoke.

" We don't expect you to call us mom or dad this early because we know it's too much to ask from you. But you are henceforth, a part of the Hayes family and I'm hoping you will remain a part of it. I also want to let you know that since we have legally adopted you, you will carry the name of this family, Briella Hayes that is."

This was a total shock to me. " You have legally adopted me?", I asked shock clearly evident in my voice.
"Yes honey.", Mrs. Hayes replied. I was just too stunned to say anything further.

After a good five seconds Mrs. Hayes spoke again. "We have also enrolled you in Wallflower High. So, you'll be starting school right from tomorrow."
"Oh! What's this school like?", I asked not a bit surprised or excited. I mean, I knew that eventually I'll have to face this, so, why be surprised at the mention of school? Previously I have had to change three different schools because of the foster families I have been taken into. It's not like I hate school or anything. I was always termed as the outcast in these schools, and honestly, I was cool with it because no one would really bother to give me the time of their lives by trying to as much as even take a glance at me. All I had to ever do was keep to myself.

" Well that's for you to find out, honey. We have spoken to the principal of the school already and they are more then happy to get you admitted to school.", Mrs. Hayes informed me with a smile lingering on her face.

"Oh! If it's of any help then I must let you know that the school is really big and fancy.", she quickly added. Well I didn't expect that, so my expression had turned into a more uncomfortable one. She must have noticed it as she soon tried to comfort me, " Don't worry, honey. It will be a great year." Although, that wasn't the assurance I was looking for but nonetheless I put up a smile on my face.

" Briella, honey, you might need new clothes for school, so why don't you and Martha go to the mall and buy something?", this time it was Mr. Hayes who spoke.

"Oooo!! I'd love to take you shopping Briella. We could even have our time bonding with each other. Well that is if you want to obviously.", Mrs. Hayes spoke.

They do not know how much I hate shopping but I do need new clothes for this school since I was told about it being big. Wasn't it obvious that only rich and spoilt kids will be attending this school? So, I agreed to go shopping.


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