Chapter 7

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** Pic of Cameron Hudson **


Brie's POV

“I never thought I’d see you here, princess and you definitely shouldn’t have declined my offer back in there.”

Boy- with- ocean- blue- eyes, say what!?

I’m practically fuming at what I’ve just heard. I mean, it’s bad enough that all eyes were on us that now he goes and straight up insults me? Oh! I so want to punch that pretty little face he’s got there.

From my peripheral vision I see Riley about to say something but I beat her to it.

“ Listen up douchebag…”, I step forward jabbing my finger to his chest ready to give him a piece of my mind, “ First off, do not call me princess because coming out from your mouth, it sounds extremely cheap. Secondly, it’s not like you offered Shawn Mendes to me so, I have a right to decline your so called petty offer.”, I air quote ‘petty offer’ for the emphasis. I do realize that the ‘ Shawn Mendes’ part was too over exaggerated but you get what I mean….

I then hear a lot of oohing, going on around me and I turn my head towards the crowd who have all been shocked at my response. That’s right! I just insulted Kyle Mathews. I see that even Riley has her mouth hung open. If it wasn’t for the douchebag standing in front of me I would have definitely laughed at her reaction to this situation. I now look back at Kyle who seems to be a bit phased by my response but he soon replaces it with a smirk.

“ I’d watch my mouth if I was you princess. Don’t forget you’re fresh meat here.”, he threatens me all the while having the smirk plastered on his face. He then backs out to walk away but not before I interrupt him.

“ You can shove that threat up your ass, douchebag!”, I say it loud enough for everyone to hear. He just continues walking with the rest of his friends trailing behind. But before they disappear from sight, one of his friends who I’m guessing is Zach from what Riley told me, turns and sends a wink my way. I’m guessing he does that because he was impressed.

I turn my attention back to Riley who still has her mouth slightly ajar. I attempt to shake her a bit. She comes out of her trance grinning like a mad person but before she says something to me she turns back to the crowd, who up until now I didn’t realize, were still gathered around, not a single person making a move.

“ C’mon move up people!”, Riley shouts at the crowd, throwing her arms in a forward motion gesturing her words. After everyone moves away, Riley turns back to me grinning yet again. I give her a shy smile.

“ Damn girl! I knew I liked u before but after that- I freaking love you!”, she tells me whilst wrapping her around my neck.

“ You not only insulted the hottest guy in this school but you also stood up for yourself- which I must add, no one before was able to do.”, she informs me with a proud smile.

“ To be honest, I don’t really see what everyone sees in him because to me, he is just a douchebag.”, I tell her to which she laughs hysterically .

“But Brie, I must warn you. Kyle Mathews is not the type of person who will just sit tight after such an insult. He will take his revenge. No one has ever spoken to him or the other guys of his group the way you just did today. Well, except me, obviously.  But that’s because I have an annoying brother who is a part of that group.”, Riley warns me.

It is then everything comes dripping down on me. It’s just my first day at this school and I’m pretty sure I’ve made quite the impression to be not gone unseen. And to top it all, I just offended a guy who threatens me just a minute ago by calling me fresh meat. Oh dear God! I’m in some real deep shit. Now I just wish I had kept my mouth shut and ignored him.

We then go for our math class as we hear the loud obnoxious sound of the bell penetrate through our ears.
The rest of the classes go by with me receiving death glares from some girls while some guys smile at me when they pass by or so, probably impressed by me. When I would walk to my locker, I would see students looking at me and bickering amongst themselves, some of which were like: “ Who does she think she is?” , “ I feel bad for her. Kyle is not someone to let go so easily after what she said to him.”, “ Why did Kyle even talk to her? She seems to be so tacky….Ewwww.”, and so on….

But luckily I had Riley by my side who would constantly tell me to either ignore them or she would try making conversation to divert my attention. We even spent lunch time in the library so I didn’t have to face Kyle or his group.
Apart from this whole drama, Riley and I have really got to know each well. She is just like me when it comes to her social life but she told me that given a chance she would really like to go partying just like the other school kids. I am really thankful to her for standing by my side the entire day to which she would just tell me, and I quote, ‘ that is what best friends are for.’

School was finally over and I say my goodbyes to Riley. I then give a call to Mr. Hayes who is on his way to pick me up.

After like a good ten minutes of me standing under the shade of a tree with my earplugs in and waiting for Mr. Hayes, he finally pulls up and puts out his hand signaling me to get in.

“ How was first day, honey?”, he asks me with a polite smile spread across his face.

“ It was good. Most of the kids seem to be caught up in their own bubble but I made a really good friend, Ryley Hudson.”, I chuckle at the thought of her.

“ Oh! That’s nice. I think I might know her family. Anyways how did you like the teachers and the school?”

“ The teachers are really kind and understanding but I didn’t really meet all of them so I can’t speak of those. The school is really big though. If it wasn’t for Riley I’m pretty sure I would be lost for most of the day.”, I tell him and he laughs a knowing laugh. I don’t mention the whole Kyle fiasco to him because didn’t want to worry him unnecessarily.

We soon reached home. It feels so weird calling their house ‘ home’. Not only that, given the past 3 days everything feels weird. It’s like everything about my life has changed completely. I really hope things don’t end up to be like my past. The thought of it sends shivers down my spine.
I’m engulfed in a very tight embrace when I step into the house by Mrs. Hayes.

“Hi darling! How was your first day? Tell me everything. How many friends did you make? Were the teachers any good?”, Mrs. Hayes storms me with her questions letting go of her embrace and caressing my right cheek with her left hand.

Before I could reply to all her questions Mrs. Hayes who is currently standing behind me, chuckles and tells her to let me at least enter and freshen up after which she can sit and talk to me.

“ Sorry, honey. I’m just excited to know about your first day.”, she apologizes with a sweet smile. She then let’s me go.

After I’m done with all my chores, I tell Mrs. Hayes  and Cara about my first day and I also brief them up about the whole Kyle situation to which they both have a hearty laugh. Mrs. Hayes tells me that Kyle is a very handsome boy to which I gagged.

I realized that how I’ve known this family for just  three to four days but yet it seems to be way more than that. They have accepted me with the little that I had given out about myself and do their very best to make me feel at home. I really want to find comfort in all this but the darkness within me speaks differently for myself.

Even after all this on my mind, I’m really anxious about what Kyle Mathews is going to do next.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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