Katsuki Bakugou As Your Boyfriend

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You walk into class 1A on your very first day of going to UA, only to be greeted by a blonde-haired boy that's screaming at everyone. "Hey, you there!" Katsuki Bakugou snarls, jabbing a finger at another red-haired boy. "You're a student here, too, huh? Well, then you better know that I'm better than all of you here!" He then turns his attention to you while you're wordlessly sitting down. Just as he's about to open his mouth and threaten you too, he stops. His eyes fly over you and it's clear he's judging you and trying to figure out your quirk but you stay quiet. Better than all of us, huh? You think to yourself, as your competitive side bubbles to the surface. We'll see about that.


You're about to leave the class with Momo Yaoyorozu after training with your quirk with Mr. Aizawa, but you hear someone yell, "Hold on!" You turn around just as Bakugou almost slams into you. But the expression on his face isn't full of anger and hatred like always, more like determination and even a little sympathy. "Head back without me." You tell Momo without taking your eyes off of the boy in front of you. Momo pats your shoulder and you hear her footsteps getting quieter.

"I thought... Well... If you'd..." Bakugou carefully begins, but when he sees your amused look, he angrily puffs out his chest and changes his approach. "Oh, screw this! Do you want to go on a date with me?!" He snarls and glares at you with a murderous glint in his eyes. "Well, maybe if you weren't so egoistic-" You begin.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?" He snarls but stops abruptly when you chuckle. "Yes, of course, I do." You say with a sweet smile on your face, that surprisingly calms him down. "Good." He demands and brushes past you, clearly trying to stay cool. "I'll text you." He adds, without even looking at you. So maybe he's not that bad, after all, you think.


Katsuki had no experience in the world when it came to being in a relationship with a girl, so you had to plan out the date. You went to an amusement park because you figured your beloved boyfriend should have some fun from time to time and he did. Except for a few incidents, when you had to stop him from killing a few children and even adults. They made fun of him because of the scene he made during the Sports Festival when All Might was handing out medals. But other than that, it was clear that Katsuki enjoyed that date and that he liked your company.


Even though Katsuki tried to keep the relationship between you two a secret, Kirishima managed to convince your boyfriend to explain to him why you're the only one he doesn't swear at and punch from time to time and unfortunately, Mineta heard everything and told the whole school. Katsuki was understandably furious at first, but when everyone started shipping you, including Aizawa, who was glad you were trying to tame him, he calmed down. Now you're one of the cutest couples in UA. At home, Katsuki even lets you hug him and fall asleep on his chest.


We can all imagine how that would end up. Let's just say, someone accidentally brushes their hand against yours and recovery girl has to go kiss them. And if they DARE flirt with you... They're dead. You often walk in on Katsuki looking up how to hide dead bodies, so there you go! And if he's in a really good mood, he'll walk up to you from behind and start to leave hickeys on your neck until that person just decided it's best to leave. But he'll kill them either way, so it doesn't matter.


"Who the hell was that!?" Katsuki snarls when he grabs you by the shirt and slams your back into the wall. "Calm down." You raise your hands, trying to sound as calm as possible. "That was Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu from class-" You begin but your boyfriend interrupts you. "I don't care who the hell that damn extra was, why were you laughing at his jokes!?" He growls at you and you stand frozen on the spot, just staring at him for a moment. 

And then it hits you.

You bend forward, grabbing your stomach and burst out laughing. Katsuki steps back, staring at you in confusion, but you just keep laughing. "What the hell are you laughing about?" He demands but he's not as furious as before.

"I'm sorry." You say, finally managing to pull yourself together. "Is Kacchan JEALOUS?" This time, it's Katsuki's turn to stare at you in shock. You know he hates it when you call him Kacchan because Midoriya does that and he never thought you'd call him jealous. Finally, the shock is replaced with anger once again. 

"You know what?!" He snarls, grabs your collar and yanks you forward. You don't even have time to react when your lips slam into his and he kisses you. The kiss isn't soft and gentle, but more like rough and full of passion. The entire time, he doesn't let go of your collar and you stand on your toes because he's much taller than you, gripping his muscly arms. Finally, he releases you and rests his hands on the back of your neck. "How's that for jealous?" He asks, breathless. "It just confirmed my suspicion." You tease and before he can explode, you pull him in for another kiss.

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