Tenya Iida As Your Boyfriend

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You're sitting at your desk in class 1A when a blue-haired boy comes crashing through the door. "Don't sit on the table!" He scolds Katsuki Bakugou, who just scoffs and fires a comeback, then continues to chat with Eijirou Kirishima. "Why don't you have your books out!?" He hisses at Momo Yaoyorozu, your friend since childhood, who just looks at him with raised eyebrows, then reaches into her bag to pull them out. "Gee, what a control freak." You whisper to her, only to be scolded by the boy. "What are you whispering about?" He demands, slicing through the air with his hand repeatedly. "You think the teachers won't mind you talking during class like that? Do you want to get detention?" With that, he moves on, leaving you and Momo staring after him, wondering whether he's a control freak or really just hates people that much.


You sprint through the halls, heading to Mr. Aizawa's class and slam right into Tenya Iida. "Sorry, Iida." You apologize and attempt to flee, but he grabs you by the shoulder. "No running in the halls!" He scolds you but stops when you bat your eyelashes at him. Why not fool around a little, you think to yourself as Iida stares at you in shock. "What are you-" he begins but is interrupted by you. "Oh come on, Iida, don't you want to enjoy life a little?" You flash a sweet smile at him, "I'll show you how you can actually have some fun without breaking the rules, okay?" Iida sighs and lets go of you. After examining you for a few moments, he finally shrugs. "Alright." He says warily, "But as class representative, if you ever-" You wave him off. "I know, I'll try not to break any rules." You reassure him. "I'll text you where we can meet." And then you run away before he gets to say anything else.


For your first date, you took Tenya roller-skating. He was even worse at it than you thought, and you constantly had to catch him from falling and you held his hand to grant him more balance. Even though he spent almost all the time complaining, you knew he enjoyed the date because of how he couldn't stop smiling. He even bought you cotton candy and then you sat on a bench and talked about school and other things and he opened up to you about his brother, Ingenium. 


Even though Tenya is class rep, you help organize things too but you're far from being as big of a control freak as he is. Izuku Midoriya and Ochaco Uraraka ship you two a lot, along with the rest of the class, so you're basically the leaders of 1A. Tenya is protective of you and he doesn't like it when you go somewhere alone, especially not at night. But he doesn't mind when you go out with friends, as long as you stay in a public place, so you're not at risk of being attacked by the League of Villains in a dark alleyway. He even took you to see his older brother, Tensei Iida, in the hospital after his fight with the Herokiller.


Tenya trusts you and because of your fierceness, no one really dares flirt with you but when they do, you don't let them. You also later go to your boyfriend and tell him everything and then he leaves to go lecture that person while you watch and laugh.


"Everyone, quiet down!" Tenya growls at your class, chopping through the air with his arms like always. You're sitting on the bus, which is on its way to summer camp and your boyfriend is trying to calm down your excited class from the moment you stepped foot in it.

"Tenya, just sit down." You try to say but he ignores you and continues to scold the class. You slump in your seat, defeated. This is horrible, you think to yourself. "Bakugou, keep your voice down-" the class rep begins. "HOW ABOUT YOU SHUT UP YOURSELF, YOU DAMN EXTRA!" Bakugou fires back and Tenya finally plops down, shaking with frustration. You put a hand on his thigh and he looks up at you.

"Leave them be." You shrug, "They're just really excited." Tenya rolls his eyes but a small smile appears on his face. You suddenly realize that in the month that you've been dating, you never kissed before. That was probably because Tenya wasn't too good at being romantic and kissing never really crossed your mind until now. You blush at the thought and your boyfriend, as if reading your mind, goes red in the face, too. You awkwardly smile at each other, neither of you knowing what to do.

Oh, screw it! You think after a few moments, grab the back of Tenya's head and pull him in for a kiss. He wraps his strong arms around your waist and immediately kisses you back with those soft and gentle lips of his. Surprisingly enough, he's a really good kisser! You completely lose track of time and pull away only when Aizawa passes your seat and clears his throat.

"Ehm." He says with a tiny hint of a smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. "We're here."

"What?!" You and Tenya both cry out but quickly quiet down. And just like that, your first half-hour-long kiss is over.

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