Bonus: Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead) As Your Boyfriend

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Yes, I know I chose the worst possible cover, but I found it hilarious! :-)

Also, this is obviously an age-up, where the reader is above 18 and Aizawa is younger, so it isn't weird :D


You and Momo Yaoyorozu, your childhood friend, are sitting in class 1A, talking about school, when the door opens. You both look up as a black-haired man in a yellow sleeping bag comes crawling into the classroom like a caterpillar. "Good morning, class." He says in a tired voice as if he never got any sleep. The bags under his eyes and long messy hair are proof of that, too.

"My name is Shota Aizawa." He continues, dropping the sleeping back, and revealing his black clothes and large grey scarf. "You may also know me as Eraserhead." The pro hero! You think to yourself and rest your chin in your palm. He's... really handsome...

"Is there a problem, miss?"

You shoot up, just as Aizawa stalks towards you with his hands behind his back. "No, Mr. Eraserhead." You reply calmly, trying your best not to blush but fail when he smiles. "Alright then, make sure you pay attention." Sure...


"Right punch. Left kick. Dodge." Mr. Aizawa says as you're fighting Kaminari. He's sitting in the podium, watching the fight between you two and giving you orders on what to do. It's an exercise to train you to listen to precise instructions and trust your teammates. You do exactly as Aizawa says and always manage to either land a hit on Denki or to dodge his attacks.

"Left punch." He says and your fist flies forward and meets Kaminari's chin, who staggers. "Vines." You fling your arms forward, vines shooting from your hands and aiming at Denki but he ducks just in time. "Right kick." Your foot flies up and you kick your opponent right in the stomach. Kaminari crumbles to the ground. "That's enough for today," Aizawa finishes as he climbs off the podium. Denki gives you an impressed nod and goes to join Kirishima and the rest of the class.

"Not bad," Aizawa says, his hands in his pockets and his eyes half-closed, like always. You start to blush a little and have to look away, so he doesn't notice. "But you have to be a little faster and strategic. You have to be able to figure out your opponent's weakness within minutes and use that against him."

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa." You reply, looking back up at him and blinking in surprise. He's smirking. "Meet me here after the rest of your classes. We'll work on it together." With that, he turns around, leaving you in the middle of the arena with your face completely red.


The first date wasn't a date, but it was cute nonetheless. You met Aizawa after school like he told you and you practiced with your quirk for another two hours, before being sent back home with instructions to make as many items from your vines as you can, so that you can use your quirk for a longer time. But while you trained with your teacher, you sometimes got very close to each other that you could lean over and kiss him if you wanted to, which resulted in you blushing a lot and him smiling victoriously. And you did want to but you didn't. Not yet, that was...


The only people who know that you and Shota are dating, are All Might, principal Nezu, and some other adults that you're sure you can trust. Apart from Momo, none of the students know, however, so your acting skills have increased because you have to pretend that there's nothing between you and your teacher. But when it comes to fights with villains, Aizawa makes sure that you're always with some other students, so you're safe and he can focus on saving those, who really need help. He's a little protective and that's a bit of an issue when you're at school. Since no one knows you're together, it's usually Momo or some other classmate that has to save you from Mineta and his perverted intentions. But when it's someone else that flirts with you, like Kaminari, Shota often interrupts without making it look like he's jealous and luckily, no one suspects a thing.


I already said he usually interrupts the person speaking without making it look suspicious. But when it's not a UA student... ERASERHEAD SCARF ATTACK!!!


"Right punch," Shota warns you and you dodge just in time as his fist passes above your head. "Right punch." He repeats but as you begin to move aside, his left fist hits you in the stomach. "Gah!" You stagger back, "What the hell? You tricked me!" Your boyfriend smirks. "It was a test to see whether or not you'd notice I was playing you."

You're in Shota's home in his spacious garage, where there's more than enough room to train with him. You glare him in the eyes with pretended hatred. Then, you leap at him, creating a staff from your vines mid-flight, but... his scarf wraps around, restraining you, and lifts you up from the ground.

"I hate you!" You snarl at him as your weapon clatters to the ground and you try to break free.

"I doubt that." He pulls the scarf closer to himself so that your faces are a hairstring apart. You blush a little and he smiles. Leaning forward, Shota pulls you down and kisses you softly. You immediately return the kiss as his scarf withdraws, then suddenly, it's just the two of you in the world and nothing else matters anymore...

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