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I smiled to myself as the bell rang to release lunch. The few students who come into my room during the hour lunch break, packed up their belongings and exited.

My next class began to file in, including Tessa.

She smiled at me and I returned the smile as she took her seat. She sat in the closest row, just a few seats away from my desk.

The students got comfortable and pulled out their assignment as I instructed.

I asked them to pass them to the front and I collected them.

I would be teaching them a quick lesson on syntax and how to better improve their ability to recognize it.

This class is by far the easiest to teach, due to their willingness to interact with me throughout the lesson. I had a few students who would speak up more than most, but overall they all knew what I was talking about.

I gave them a quick class assignment to complete as I began to grade their poems.

I read through their work and admired how deep they can reach in these assignments.

Some of these kids hold bigger secrets than meets the eye. They are so unsuspecting of some of these topics.

Of course, I am well aware of my obligation to protect them from any harm from them or anyone else. I have a duty to report any wrongdoing by them.

I got through about ten poems before the bell rang and the students turned their assignment into the basket designated for them.

"Hey, Ms. James?" I heard Tessa's voice.

"Yes?" I looked up at her.

"How do kids get to come to your room for lunch?" She asked quietly, approaching my desk.

"Oh— here, let me get you a pass. They don't usually ask for one, but just in case you get stopped." I pushed my chair to roll back to my small file cabinet. I opened it, flipped through the folders until I found the right one, then pulled out a laminated hall pass.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"Any particular reason?" I questioned.

"I just like it in here." She smiled and shook her head.

"Okay, see you in lunch then." I dismissed her.

"Thank you." She repeated and walked out of the room.

I smiled to myself. I love that I make my students feel comfortable enough to want to spend time with me.

It isn't rare for my room to have at least fifteen kids in it during each days lunch period.

The final bell rang for the day and my students did as the previous classes, then left for the day.

I sighed heavily and began packing up.

This job is indescribably rewarding, yet so so draining.

Sometimes, it's nice to just sit in my quiet classroom.

After a few moments, I picked up the pillows from the floor to help out the custodians.

I erased the board, laid my trash cans by the door, and tidied up a few other areas around the room.

"Hey Addi, you getting ready to head out for the day?" I heard a male voice.

I jumped around and smiled once I saw my co-worker, Ben Young.

"Yeah, just picking up a little." I told him.

"Well, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to grab a drink or dinner or something?" He seemed nervous.

"That sounds great! Anyone else coming?" I asked, since it was a common occurrence to have a few teachers meet for dinner or drinks after a days work.

"I was thinking just me and you tonight." He scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh— okay. That sounds lovely." I smiled sweetly at him to hopefully help with his nerves.

He is tall, athletic, perfectly tanned skin, and overall just very easy on the eyes. The epitome of tall, dark, and handsome.

"Let me just grab my stuff." I motioned back to my desk.

"Sure thing." He smiled.

I grabbed my sweater, purse, and teacher bag.

I tucked my phone into my purse and met him at the door, where I turned the lights out and closed the door.

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked.

"I'm up for anything really, I'm not picky." I shrugged.

"There's this little local pizza restaurant I've been wanting to try?" He offered.

"Pickler's?" I asked.

"Yes! Have you had it?" He asked.

"I actually haven't, but pizza works for me." I nodded.

"Perfect." He smiled.

We stopped by my car and he turned to me, then asked "Pick you up at seven?"

"Perfect." I smiled at him widely.

"Okay, see you then." He nodded.

"See you soon." I nodded and unloaded my belongings into my car.

He headed to his car.

I went home, took a quick shower, then slowly began to get ready as I watched an episode Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.

Soon enough, I heard a knock at my door.

I smoothed my hands over my jeans, then went to answer the door.

"Hi." He smiled widely at me.

"Hi." I smiled back at him.

He looked perfect.

"Wasn't sure if you were a flower girl, so I took a chance and got you flowers." He grew nervous as he extended a beautiful bouquet toward me.

I couldn't help my heart from skipping beats.

I carefully took them and smiled as I said "I love them."

I smelled them then held up a finger to him.

"Let me get these in some water." I told him.

I set them in a vase with water, then set them on the counter where he could see from the doorway.

I met him again and locked my door as he led me to his car.

He held the door open for me, allowing me to slip into his passenger seat.

Conversation on the ride was a little forced, but I let it slide due to nerves.

We had never just been the two of us, so it was a little nerve wracking from both ends.

He parked the car in front of Pickler's Pizzeria and cut the engine.

We walked in and instantly I regretted picking somewhere so casual. I saw three of my students sitting at one table, two more at another table, then I noticed Tessa along with three other students whom I didn't recognize at a booth.

I smiled at her, feeling color rush to my cheeks.

I'm not sure why I'm nervous, my students know I'm not married. So, it isn't suspicious to see me on a date, but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

The server led us to a small booth and he allowed me to sit before he did himself.

I looked up and immediately made eye contact with Tessa again.

I looked away and rubbed my hands together in my lap.

Between being with Ben and being surrounded by my students, my nerves were shot.

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