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"Do or drink." Leah held up the card game box.

My heart instantly strained. This game is very personal and raunchy. I don't want Tessa to have to participate in this.

"You don't have any other games?" I asked.

"We want to get you wasted." She smiled at me.


"Not too wasted. We all have to drive home later." Andre chimed in.

"But—" I started to argue.

"She'll be fine. It'll warm her up to us quicker." Leah told me.

Oh, it'll warm her up to us alright. A little too warm if you ask me.

I didn't argue with her any longer, because she had already announced it to the world, that we're playing.

Tessa wrapped a towel around herself, then found herself a spot on the boat deck next to me, to my right, then Logan sat to her right.

Danny chose to sit this one out, to stay watch over the kids.

As everyone sat, Ty passed out drinks to everyone playing, then sat across from Andre, which was on my left. If you sit directly next to someone, you run the risk of having to do something sexual or personal with or to them.

My heart stopped with the realization that I might possibly have to do something intimate with Tessa. Does she realize this?

Logan knows exactly what she's doing. She sat next to Tessa purposely. She knows this game and how it works. My eyes glared at her for a moment, then snapped away when Leah called the game to begin.

"Youngest goes first." She looked at Tessa.

"Okay." Tessa nervously nodded.

She timidly took a card and read it aloud.

"Show the group your last five photos without checking or finish your drink." She smiled as she spoke. "Easy."

We just started, she would have had to drink her entire drink if she chose to pass this one.

She picked up her phone from beside her and showed her last five photos. They were all photos she has taken to practice her photography skills. One of the boat today, a book shelf, a window, the lockers at school, and her hands. I could tell the hands belonged to her, because of her rings.

"Boring." Logan teased her.

"They're cool shots, but I thought we'd get something juicy out of you." Maia spoke to her.

"Thanks." Tessa questionably accepted the compliment. I smiled at her gentle response.

"Clockwise, so your turn, Addi." Leah instructed.

I reached for a card and read it to the group. "Give five dollars to the person on your left or finish your drink... Dang, I guess you're getting five dollars, Ty."

"I knew I liked this game." He smiled as he reached for his card.

The round went quickly, then it was Logan's turn.

"Give a lap dance to the person on your left. Do this, take— well, I'm just gonna do it." She stood and held her hand out for Tessa.

Tessa glanced at me with a nervous look, then took her hand.

Izzy turned the music up louder as Logan sat Tessa on one of the boat benches. The whole group cheered her on, except for me. I didn't want to watch this, because it's Tessa. Sweet, gentle Tessa, getting violated from the group's most sexually vocal member. Thankfully, Tessa didn't look too into it, so it ended rather quickly.

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