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The knot in my stomach was bigger than any I've ever felt before. I raised my hand, to knock on the door that I believed was hers, then paused.

After double-checking the sticky-note one last time, I finally knocked on the green door.

"Hi." Ms. James, Addison, smiled as soon as she opened the door.

Her scent engulfed me. Her house smells so good.

"Hi." I spoke softly, smiling at her.

"Come on it. I just have to change my top and then I'll be ready." She moved, allowing me to step inside.

"No problem." I nodded.

"I'm so excited you're coming." She said as she walked down the hall, before disappearing behind the door at the end.

I stayed quiet, admiring her space. It's so clean, welcoming, and pretty. It matched her.

I caught myself smiling as I laid eyes on picture frames that held photos of her and other people that could be her friends and/or family.

I browsed them, until I found one of her and an older woman who looks just like her. It must be her mom.

I focused on the smile on her face. She looked so happy. Happier than I've ever seen her at school.

"That was my birthday dinner last year. My mom was taking pictures of everyone else, no one got any of her, so my dad took this one... and I love it." She appeared next to me.

"You look happy." I commented.

"I was very happy that night." I could hear the smile in her voice.

I looked at her and smiled softly.

"And today is another very happy day." Her smile softened as she gently laid her hand just below my shoulder.

I nodded at her.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Ready." I nodded.

The beginning of the drive was a bit unnerving, only because of the silence that rested between us. Only the music that played from her Bluetooth distracted us.

"So." She smiled.

"So?" My eyebrows scrunched at her.

"You know how I said we could work together to have publishers look at it?" Her smile was stuck.

"Yeah..." I urged her to continue.

"Well, Danny is actually that friend I was talking about. He's gonna be there, so we'll be sure to introduce you. But, also he's bringing his kids." She told me.

"Oh, but today shouldn't be about me. He wants to spend time with his kids and friends." I dismissed the offer.

"No, Tess, no. He's bringing his kids, which is a good thing for everyone. He has two, a boy and a girl, they're twins. Jackson and Charlotte, or just Jack and Charlie, whatever you prefer. Jack usually hangs with the boys, but Charlie has a tendency to follow me around. They're fun. And he'll be in a great mood because of them, so it's the perfect day to make about you." She spoke strongly.

"I just don't want to make it seem like I'm only coming to benefit myself." I was quiet.

"Well, you're not. It was my offer and I'm holding it up, that's all. If you really don't feel comfortable today, we can wait." She nodded.

"Okay." I said, happy that she isn't pushing me to do it if I don't want to.

It wasn't too much longer until we arrived at the bay.

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