the shower

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(none of the characters are mine, to be honest I don't know who the kids belong to)

They've been married for a year. Feels like forever, especially since they had twins, Hazel Ley. Cipher and Makona Ford. Cipher. "Of course it was twins!" Bill said "you're family has all the twins in the world!". Bill wanted a family so did Dipper, so they had kids. No matter what Bill says he's really happy to have a family. But that's besides the matter. Of course they needed a baby shower, so they are having one. "GOOD GOD, IT'S ALMOST TIME! GET TO THE DOOR! I'LL GRAB THE FOOD OUT OF THE FRIDGE!" Dipper was a little stressed. Anyway, Dipper's guest started coming in the door: Mable, Ford, Stan, Wendy with Robbie, and Soos with Melody. "Hi guys" Dipper called from the kicthen. Bill was laughing with them in the living room. Dipper brought out some punch. Every one grabbed a glass. "So when do we get to see them, Dipper?" "Later when Bill's family gets here" "I want to see my neice and nephew! Dipper let me see them! PLEASE!" "Nope not yet". They all laughed accept Mable who was pouting. "By the way Bill when does your party get here" "in about ten seconds" as Bill said that a portal opened on the other side of the room. Bill ran over to greet the guy who stepped out of the portal. "WILL!" Bill screamed as the guy stepped out"BILL!". They hugged each other. Dipper walked over to the guy and gave him a glass of punch, "and who might you be" Dipper asked. The guy screamed "BILL! YOU NEVER SAID MASON WAS HERE!!" "I'm sorry Pine tree, can I talk to my brother in private?" Dipper nodded and went to talk to his party.

Bill and Will walked to the kitchen. "Bill, why is Dipper here" "cause he's with me" "he's here to hurt me I know it!" "No Will, he's not here to hurt you! He's this dimension's Mason!" "So he's not going to hurt me?" "So smart". Bill gave his brother a pat on the back. They walked back down to the living room.

"Ah you're back!" Dipper said to Bill. "And with my brother" "ah yes I can see the resemblance!". Bill introduced Will. "Ok everyone this is Will, he's my brother, he's from the reverse dimension, so be nice to him". Dipper walked up to Will and gave him a glass of punch "sorry about earlier Mason" "everything is alright" "I'm not used to you being nice" "*laugh* never heard that before". Dipper walked Will over to the couch. "Ok we will be right back with them" "ya stay! Will make friends!" Bill said, and he and Bill went off to fecth the kids. "Do you think this was a good idea?" "Of course Pine tree" "I know you know my name why don't you just call me my name?" "Cause that's no fun, MASON" Dipper laughed.

They leaned down and each one grabbed a kid. Dipper grabbed Makona, Bill had Hazel. They walked back. "DIPPER! BILL! BILL AND DIPPER! LET. ME. SEE. THEM!!" "Mable be quiet!" Dipper snapped. "Sorry! Let me one! PLEASE!" Dipper walked over with Mokona. He sat down on a chair next to her. He handed Mable Mokona. "So cute!" Mable said holding the small child. Bill walked over to Will and handed him Hazel. Will too her cautiously, "I, love, you" he said to Hazel. Bill chuckled, he took back Hazel and went over to Ford. "Well Sixers what does this make you?" "A great great uncle!" He said taking Hazel. "Mable can I have him back?" "Fine" Dipper took back Mokona. He walked over to Wendy and Robbie, "hay DipStick can I see that one?" "Sure" he handed Wendy Makona. "Which one is this?" Robbie asked. "This is Mokona, he's Wendy's god child" "Really" "ya". Wendy looked amazed at the privilege. "Thank you Dipper" she handed Robbie Makona. He held the child "so that makes me a good father?" "Sure I guess" "sweet, I have custody of something living" "not exactly". Ford had already handed Hazel over to Stan. "What's this little nuggets name" "She's Hazel" Bill answered. "So what last name did you guys end up taking?" "Cipher. Pine tree took my name" "So that Hazel Cipher and the other one is Mokona Cipher!" "Correct" "what's their full names?" Mokona Ford. Cipher and Hazel. Let Cipher". Stan and Ford's eyes lit up. " You named one after me?" "And me?!" Dipper giggled yes we did. Dipper took Mokona back and handed him to Will. Will loved the kids. "Oh by the way Will, Bill said that your Hazel's good father" "M-M-ME?!" Bill laughed. "Yes" Will looked amazed. Bill handed Hazel over to Soos and Melody. They loved in the child. Bill sat back down on the couch. They passed around the kids each person getting to see them both. They had to put the kids away when Mokona started crying.

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