Second Christmas

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The next day they heard a knock, in the air? "Will's here" bill called "great". Dipper lead the kids to the living room. "Hay Will" Will jumped then settled himself. "Hi Dipper, how are you" "good how are you" "I've been better". Dipper lead the kids to the floor and put down some toys for them. "Uh, I forgot to mention that I had to let someone follow me" Will snapped and a portal formed. And form it popped a man. "Oh it's you" Bill said disappointedly. "Yes and hello to you too" the guy said. "uh hi Mason here and who is this?" "Pine tree this is you from another dimension" "ok that makes sense". Mason sat down. Dipper stared at him. (Editors note Mason=Reverse Dipper) "So Merry Christmas to you two" every one sat in silence. "Well me and Mason brought the twins presents" "oh thanks they would like that". The twins turned around finally "UNCLE WILL" the said running up to Will. Bill laughed, Hazel ran right up to Will, Mokona stopped and looked at Mason "who are youz". Mason looked at Mokona with confusion. "I'm Mason and who might you be" "Mokona" "ah I see" "you have the same names as one as of my ones of my Daddiez" "I am your dad, to some degree" "you don't looks like daddy". Dipper died laughing. Hazel was sitting on Will's lap. Will handed Hazel her a present "no fair!" Mokona cried, looking worried Mason handed him a present. "Thank you" He started ripping the papper. "What is it" Mokona asked "It's something I had Mable make" Mokona was holding a tiny tail coat, it looked exactly like Mason's. Hazel on the other hand got a small box, "uncle will?" "Yes" "what is it" "it's a secret box" "it looks old" "it is" "howz old is it" "it was mine when I was your age, so it's about more than a billion years old" "cool" the twins loved their new things.

Children (BILL CIPHER X DIPPER)Where stories live. Discover now