Trying is half the battle

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~Speacial magical LARGE time skip, the twins are now 10~

"Bill?" "Ya Pine tree?" "Hazel wants you, more like needs you" "FINE". Bill got off their bed. "Dad!" He hears Hazel calling. He stomps up the stairs. "I'm here" he opens the door to Hazel's room, and finds the girl with a ball of flames in her hand "help!" "Focus on getting rid of them" "ok I can try". The flames go away. Mokona runs in, "I heard screaming" he says. Bill rolls his eyes "you get so much from your mother, speaking of which, DINNER". They mumbled something to each other, then followed there dad downstairs.

Dipper is making dinner, Bill's favorite, soup. The rest of the family comes in. Dipper lays the food on the table, Bill may not need to eat but the twins and Dipper still need to. They ate and talked. The kids don't have school until tomorrow, the dreaded Monday. "Oh! Pine tree!" Bill puts down his spoon. "Yes Bill we are still going out tonight". The kids eyes lit up, "does that mean?" "Yes it means you two have to go to bed early!" "Ahhh" the kids wined. Bill leaned over to them, "he's joking" the kids eyes lit up again. "Fine, if you're going to stay up you too have to go with Will". The reason, Mable was on vacation with Pacifica. Ford and Grunkle Stan, they were back out at sea. Soos, had his own kids. Wendy
was trust worthy, but she was at her brothers. Robbie, is Robbie.

Bill helped the kids pack their stuff. Why couldn't Will come to them? He was "grounded" by Mason, but he was  still allowed to sit the kids. Bill cam down with the twins, and their bags. Dipper had finished calling Will. "Everyone ready" "I want to see uncle Will" Hazel spoke with confidence. "Hold on a sec" Mokona grabbed something from his bag and ran to the bathroom. He walked out a minute later in the tail coat that Mason had got him. "Nice!" Bill complicated Mokona. He smiled, "alrighty let's get going!" Dipper spoke as he and Bill grabbed the kids stuff and walked through the portal followed shortly by the twins. Everyone, but bill, marveled at the size of the mansion in front of them.

Children (BILL CIPHER X DIPPER)Where stories live. Discover now